[build-system] requires = ["setuptools>=46.1.0", "setuptools_scm[toml]>=5"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "lftools" dynamic = ["version"] description = "Linux Foundation Release Engineering Tools" readme = "README.md" requires-python = ">=3.8" license = {text = "EPL-1.0"} authors = [ {name = "LF Release Engineering", email = "releng@linuxfoundation.org"}, ] maintainers = [ {name = "LF Release Engineering", email = "releng@linuxfoundation.org"}, ] # Add here all kinds of additional classifiers as defined under # https://pypi.org/classifiers/ classifiers = [ "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: Information Technology", "License :: OSI Approved :: Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0)", "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9" ] dependencies = [ "appdirs", "aspy.yaml", "attrs", "beautifulsoup4", "boto3", "bs4", "certifi", "cfgv", "chardet", "click", "defusedxml", "Deprecated", "dnspython", "docker==4.2.2", "email-validator", "filelock", "GitPython", "httplib2", "identify", "idna", "jinja2", "jsonschema", "lxml", "multi-key-dict", "munch", "nodeenv", "oauth2client", "openstacksdk>=2.1.0", "pbr", "pyasn1", "pyasn1-modules", "pygerrit2", "PyGithub", "PyJWT", "pyrsistent", "python-jenkins", "PyYAML", "requests", "rsa", "ruamel.yaml", "ruamel.yaml.clib", "six", "soupsieve", "tabulate", "toml", "tqdm", "urllib3<2.1.0", "websocket-client", "wrapt", "xdg" ] [project.optional-dependencies] dev = [ "mypy" ] docs = [ "lfdocs-conf", "reno", "sphinxcontrib-programoutput" ] ldap = [ "python-ldap~=3.1.0" ] openstack = [ "osc-lib~=2.2.0" ] test = [ "pytest==5.3.5", "pytest-click==0.3", "pytest-cov", "pytest-datafiles==2.0", "pytest-mock==2.0.0", "pytest-responses==0.4.0" ] [project.urls] "Homepage" = "https://docs.releng.linuxfoundation.org/projects/lftools" "Bug Tracker" = "https://github.com/lfit/releng-tools/issues" "Documentation" = "https://docs.releng.linuxfoundation.org/projects/lftools" "Source Code" = "https://github.com/lfit/releng-lftools" [project.scripts] lftools = "lftools.cli:main" [tool.setuptools] platforms = ["linux"] script-files = [ "shell/deploy", "shell/gerrit_create", "shell/inactivecommitters", "shell/sign", "shell/version", "shell/yaml4info", "shell/autocorrectinfofile" ] [tool.setuptools.packages.find] where = ["."] include = ["lftools*"] exclude = ["tests*"] [tool.setuptools_scm] # For smarter version schemes and other configuration options, # check out https://github.com/pypa/setuptools_scm local_scheme = "no-local-version" version_scheme = "python-simplified-semver" [tool.black] line-length = 120 target-version = ['py38'] exclude = ''' /( \.venv )/ ''' [tool.isort] profile = "black"