Job Templates
+Python Sonar with Tox
+Sonar scans for Python based repos. This job will perform a tox call which
+runs the coverage command to gather tests results. These test results get
+published back into Sonar after running the Sonar goals.
+To get the Sonar coverage results, tox.ini needs to exist and configured
+with coverage commands to run.
+The coverage commands define the code that gets executed by the test suites.
+It does not guarantee that the code tests executed properly, but it will help
+pointing out the code that is not tested at all.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ [testenv:py27]
+ commands =
+ coverage run --module pytest --junitxml xunit-results.xml
+ coverage xml --omit=".tox/py27/*","tests/*"
+ coverage report --omit=".tox/py27/*","tests/*"
+For more details refer to coverage and sonar documentation:
+:Template Names:
+ - {project-name}-tox-sonar
+ - gerrit-tox-sonar
+ - github-tox-sonar
+:Required parameters:
+ :build-node: The node to run build on.
+ :jenkins-ssh-credential: Credential to use for SSH. (Generally should
+ get configured in defaults.yaml)
+ :mvn-settings: The name of settings file containing credentials for the project.
+:Optional parameters:
+ :build-days-to-keep: Days to keep build logs in Jenkins. (default: 7)
+ :build-timeout: Timeout in seconds before aborting build. (default: 60)
+ :cron: Cron schedule when to trigger the job. This parameter also
+ supports multiline input via YAML pipe | character in cases where
+ one may want to provide more than 1 cron timer. (default: H 11 * * *
+ to run once a day)
+ :git-url: URL clone project from. (default: $GIT_URL/$PROJECT)
+ :java-version: Version of Java to use for the build. (default: openjdk8)
+ :mvn-global-settings: The name of the Maven global settings to use for
+ Maven configuration. (default: global-settings)
+ :mvn-version: Version of maven to use. (default: mvn33)
+ :stream: Keyword used to represent a release code-name.
+ Often the same as the branch. (default: master)
+ :submodule-recursive: Whether to checkout submodules recursively.
+ (default: true)
+ :gerrit_sonar_triggers: Override Gerrit Triggers.
Tox Verify
- ''
+# Python Sonar with Tox #
+- lf_tox_sonar: &lf_tox_sonar
+ name: lf-tox_sonar
+ ######################
+ # Default parameters #
+ ######################
+ branch: master # Sonar should always be run on master branch
+ build-days-to-keep: 7
+ build-timeout: 60
+ cron: 'H H * * *' # run daily
+ git-url: '$GIT_URL/$PROJECT'
+ java-version: openjdk8
+ python-version: python2
+ mvn-global-settings: global-settings
+ mvn-settings: '{mvn-settings}'
+ mvn-version: mvn33
+ sonar-mvn-goal: 'sonar:sonar'
+ stream: master
+ submodule-recursive: true
+ gerrit_sonar_triggers:
+ - comment-added-contains-event:
+ comment-contains-value: run-sonar$
+ #####################
+ # Job Configuration #
+ #####################
+ parameters:
+ - lf-infra-parameters:
+ project: '{project}'
+ branch: '{branch}'
+ stream: '{stream}'
+ lftools-version: '{lftools-version}'
+ - string:
+ default: '{archive-artifacts}'
+ description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server.
+ - string:
+ name: MVN
+ # Sets an env var for shell scripts to be able to call the dynamically
+ # installed maven without having to calculate the path themselves.
+ # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
+ default: '/w/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/{mvn-version}/bin/mvn'
+ description: 'Maven selector to be used by shell scripts'
+ - string:
+ default: '{sonar-mvn-goal}'
+ description: |
+ Maven goals to pass to the Sonar call. Typically sonar:sonar
+ however to use a specific version of the sonar-maven-plugin we
+ can call "org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:".
+ triggers:
+ - timed: '{obj:cron}'
+ - gerrit:
+ server-name: '{gerrit-server-name}'
+ trigger-on: '{obj:gerrit_sonar_triggers}'
+ projects:
+ - project-compare-type: 'ANT'
+ project-pattern: '{project}'
+ branches:
+ - branch-compare-type: 'ANT'
+ branch-pattern: '**/master'
+ skip-vote:
+ successful: true
+ failed: true
+ unstable: true
+ notbuilt: true
+ builders:
+ - shell: !include-raw-escape:
+ # Workaround issue where the tox run later breaks the lftools virtualenv.
+ # Without running the install first the run in the publisher will fail
+ # due to missing lftools because it gets installed into a tox venv.
+ - ../shell/
+ - lf-infra-tox-install:
+ python-version: '{python-version}'
+ - shell: !include-raw-escape: ../shell/
+ - lf-provide-maven-settings:
+ global-settings-file: '{mvn-global-settings}'
+ settings-file: '{mvn-settings}'
+ - lf-infra-tox-sonar:
+ java-version: '{java-version}'
+ mvn-settings: '{mvn-settings}'
+ mvn-version: '{mvn-version}'
+ publishers:
+ - lf-infra-publish
+- builder:
+ name: lf-infra-tox-sonar
+ # Run a Sonar build with Maven
+ builders:
+ - lf-maven-install:
+ mvn-version: '{mvn-version}'
+ - lf-update-java-alternatives:
+ java-version: '{java-version}'
+ - inject:
+ # TODO: Switch this to the sonar wrapper when JJB 2.0 is available
+ properties-content: SONAR_HOST_URL=$SONAR_URL
+ - shell: !include-raw-escape:
+ - ../shell/
+ - ../shell/
+ - lf-provide-maven-settings-cleanup
+- job-template:
+ name: '{project-name}-tox-sonar'
+ id: gerrit-tox-sonar
+ <<: *lf_python_common
+ # yamllint disable-line rule:key-duplicates
+ <<: *lf_tox_sonar
+ scm:
+ - lf-infra-gerrit-scm:
+ jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
+ git-url: '{git-url}'
+ refspec: $GERRIT_REFSPEC
+ branch: $GERRIT_BRANCH
+ submodule-recursive: '{submodule-recursive}'
+ choosing-strategy: default
+- job-template:
+ name: '{project-name}-tox-sonar'
+ id: github-tox-sonar
+ <<: *lf_python_common
+ # yamllint disable-line rule:key-duplicates
+ <<: *lf_tox_sonar
+ properties:
+ - github:
+ url: '{git-url}/{github-org}/{project}'
+ scm:
+ - lf-infra-github-scm:
+ url: '{git-clone-url}{github-org}/{project}'
+ refspec: '+refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*'
+ branch: '$sha1'
+ submodule-recursive: '{submodule-recursive}'
+ choosing-strategy: default
+ jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
+ triggers:
+ - lf-infra-github-pr-trigger:
+ trigger-phrase: '^run-sonar$'
+ only-trigger-phrase: false
+ status-context: 'Python Sonar'
+ permit-all: true
+ github-hooks: true
+ github-org: ''
+ github_pr_whitelist:
+ - ''
+ github_pr_admin_list:
+ - ''
# Tox Verify #