Indentations must be aligned to multiple of 4 columns.
Signed-off-by: Guillaume Lambert <>
Change-Id: I0bdb8b2fafd1811e55fbbacaa4c4cb6a2b59f822
for file in "${jjb_files[@]}"; do
mapfile -t docs_interests < <(grep -e '\- builder:' \
- -e '\- job-template:' \
- -e '\- parameter:' \
- -e '\- property:' \
- -e '\- publisher:' \
- -e '\- scm:' \
- -e '\- trigger:' \
- -e '\- wrapper:' \
- -A1 "$file" \
- | grep 'name: ' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | sort | uniq \
- | tr -d "'" | tr -d '"')
+ -e '\- job-template:' \
+ -e '\- parameter:' \
+ -e '\- property:' \
+ -e '\- publisher:' \
+ -e '\- scm:' \
+ -e '\- trigger:' \
+ -e '\- wrapper:' \
+ -A1 "$file" \
+ | grep 'name: ' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | sort | uniq \
+ | tr -d "'" | tr -d '"')
for item in "${docs_interests[@]}"; do
if ! grep -q "$item" "docs/${file//.yaml/.rst}"; then
OS_RELEASE=$(facter lsbdistrelease | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
if [[ "$OS_RELEASE" == "18.04" && "$OS" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then
- # We do not want var expansion here as profile script expands at runtime.
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH' >> /etc/profile
+ # We do not want var expansion here as profile script expands at runtime.
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+ echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH' >> /etc/profile
useradd -m -s /bin/bash jenkins
true) return 0 ;;
false) return 1 ;;
- lf-echo-stderr "ERROR: ${FUNCNAME[0]}() line:{BASH_LINENO[0]} : A boolean cannot be a empty string" >&2
- return 2
- ;;
+ lf-echo-stderr "ERROR: ${FUNCNAME[0]}() line:{BASH_LINENO[0]} : A boolean cannot be a empty string" >&2
+ return 2
+ ;;
lf-echo-stderr "ERROR: ${FUNCNAME[0]}() line: ${BASH_LINENO[0]} : Invalid value for a boolean: '$bool'"
return 2
# $pkg_list is expected to be unquoted
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
"$lf_venv/bin/pip" install --upgrade --quiet --upgrade-strategy eager \
- $pkg_list || return 1
+ $pkg_list || return 1
lf-echo-stderr "${FUNCNAME[0]}(): ERROR: No support for: $python"
# AWS not supported, exit
cloudtype="$(jq -r .v1.datasource /run/cloud-init/result.json)"
if [[ $cloudtype == "DataSourceEc2Local" ]]; then
- echo "INFO: Running in AWS, not capturing instance metadata"
- exit 0
+ echo "INFO: Running in AWS, not capturing instance metadata"
+ exit 0
# Retrive OpenStack instace metadata APIs at this IP.
latest_version=$(pyenv versions \
- | sed s,*,,g \
- | awk '/[0-9]+/{ print $1 }' \
- | sort --version-sort \
- | awk '/./{line=$0} END{print line}')
+ | sed s,*,,g \
+ | awk '/[0-9]+/{ print $1 }' \
+ | sort --version-sort \
+ | awk '/./{line=$0} END{print line}')
pyenv local "$latest_version"
export PYENV_VERSION="3.6.4"
set -xe -o pipefail
if [[ -e gerrit_comment.txt ]] ; then
- echo
- echo "posting review comment to gerrit..."
- echo
- cat gerrit_comment.txt
- echo
- ssh -p 29418 "$GERRIT_HOST" \
- "gerrit review -p $GERRIT_PROJECT \
- -m '$(cat gerrit_comment.txt)' \
- --notify NONE"
+ echo
+ echo "posting review comment to gerrit..."
+ echo
+ cat gerrit_comment.txt
+ echo
+ ssh -p 29418 "$GERRIT_HOST" \
+ "gerrit review -p $GERRIT_PROJECT \
+ -m '$(cat gerrit_comment.txt)' \
+ --notify NONE"
file_size=$(stat --printf="%s" "${file}")
echo "Deploy ${file##*/} with ${file_size} bytes."
lftools deploy maven-file "$MAVEN_REPO_URL" \
- "$REPO_ID" \
- "$file" \
- -b "$MVN" \
- -g "$GROUP_ID" \
- |& tee "$DEPLOY_LOG"
+ "$REPO_ID" \
+ "$file" \
+ -b "$MVN" \
+ -g "$GROUP_ID" \
+ |& tee "$DEPLOY_LOG"
done < <(find "$UPLOAD_FILES_PATH" -xtype f -name "*")
# Query for a pre-existing gerrit review
query_result=$(ssh -p 29418 "$GERRIT_USER@$GERRIT_HOST" gerrit query \
- limit:1 owner:self is:open project:"$PROJECT" \
- topic: "$GERRIT_TOPIC")
+ limit:1 owner:self is:open project:"$PROJECT" \
+ topic: "$GERRIT_TOPIC")
# Extract the change_id from the query_result
echo "--->"
if git log --show-signature -1 | grep -E -q 'gpg: Signature made.*key ID'; then
- echo "Git commit is GPG signed."
+ echo "Git commit is GPG signed."
- echo "WARNING: GPG signature missing for the commit."
+ echo "WARNING: GPG signature missing for the commit."
# Do NOT fail the job for unsigned commits
REPO_LIST="$(yq -r '.repositories[]' INFO.yaml)"
while IFS= read -r project; do
- if [[ "$project" == "$PROJECT" ]]; then
- echo "$project is valid"
- else
- echo "ERROR: $project is invalid"
- echo "INFO.yaml file may only list one repository"
- echo "Repository must match $PROJECT"
- exit 1
- fi
+ if [[ "$project" == "$PROJECT" ]]; then
+ echo "$project is valid"
+ else
+ echo "ERROR: $project is invalid"
+ echo "INFO.yaml file may only list one repository"
+ echo "Repository must match $PROJECT"
+ exit 1
+ fi
done <<< "$REPO_LIST"
testversion() {
local current_val="$1" operator="$2" test_value="$3"
awk -vv1="$current_val" -vv2="$test_value" 'BEGIN {
- split(v1, a, /\:/);
- if (a[2] == '"$test_value"') {
- exit (a[2] == '"$test_value"') ? 0 : 1
- }
- else {
- exit (a[2] '"$operator"' '"$test_value"') ? 0 : 1
- }
+ split(v1, a, /\:/);
+ if (a[2] == '"$test_value"') {
+ exit (a[2] == '"$test_value"') ? 0 : 1
+ }
+ else {
+ exit (a[2] '"$operator"' '"$test_value"') ? 0 : 1
+ }
# Handle specifying the minimum instance count across different versions
if testversion "$os_plugin_version" '>=' '2.47'
- instance_min=$(get_cfg "$cfg_file" INSTANCE_MIN "null")
- echo " $instance_min,"
+ instance_min=$(get_cfg "$cfg_file" INSTANCE_MIN "null")
+ echo " $instance_min,"
- instance_min=$(get_cfg "$cfg_file" INSTANCE_MIN_CAPMAX "null")
- echo " $instance_min,"
+ instance_min=$(get_cfg "$cfg_file" INSTANCE_MIN_CAPMAX "null")
+ echo " $instance_min,"
echo " \"$floating_ip_pool\","
if testversion "$os_plugin_version" '>=' '2.47'
- echo " $node_properties,"
- echo " $retention_time",
- echo " $config_drive"
+ echo " $node_properties,"
+ echo " $retention_time",
+ echo " $config_drive"
- echo " $retention_time"
+ echo " $retention_time"
# JENKINS_{URL,USER,PASSWORD} env vars are required for the "lftools jenkins
# plugins list" call
os_plugin_version="$(lftools jenkins plugins list \
- | grep -i 'OpenStack Cloud Plugin')"
+ | grep -i 'OpenStack Cloud Plugin')"
echo "-----> Groovy script $script_file"
for cloud in "${clouds[@]}"; do
- echo "Verifying images on $1"
- for file in "$1"/*; do
- # Set the $IMAGE_NAME variable to the the file's IMAGE_NAME value
- export "$(grep ^IMAGE_NAME= "$file")"
- # The image should be listed as active
+ echo "Verifying images on $1"
+ for file in "$1"/*; do
+ # Set the $IMAGE_NAME variable to the the file's IMAGE_NAME value
+ export "$(grep ^IMAGE_NAME= "$file")"
+ # The image should be listed as active
- if ! openstack image list --property name="$IMAGE_NAME" | grep "active"; then
- echo "ERROR: No matching image found for $IMAGE_NAME"
- error=true
- fi
- # Set the $HARDWARE_ID variable to the the file's HARDWARE_ID value
- export "$(grep ^HARDWARE_ID= "$file")"
- # The flavor should be listed. Spaces in grep string ensure complete match.
+ if ! openstack image list --property name="$IMAGE_NAME" | grep "active"; then
+ echo "ERROR: No matching image found for $IMAGE_NAME"
+ error=true
+ fi
+ # Set the $HARDWARE_ID variable to the the file's HARDWARE_ID value
+ export "$(grep ^HARDWARE_ID= "$file")"
+ # The flavor should be listed. Spaces in grep string ensure complete match.
- if ! openstack flavor list | grep " $HARDWARE_ID "; then
- echo "ERROR: No matching flavor found for $HARDWARE_ID"
- error=true
- fi
- done
+ if ! openstack flavor list | grep " $HARDWARE_ID "; then
+ echo "ERROR: No matching flavor found for $HARDWARE_ID"
+ error=true
+ fi
+ done
echo "Verifying that cloud has a master configuration file"
if [[ -d jenkins-config/clouds/openstack ]]; then
- for cloud in jenkins-config/clouds/openstack/*; do
- if [[ -f $cloud/cloud.cfg ]]; then
- # Get the OS_CLOUD variable from cloud config
- if ! os_cloud=$(grep -E "^OS_CLOUD=" "$cloud/cloud.cfg" | cut -d'=' -f2); then
- os_cloud="vex"
- fi
- OS_CLOUD=$os_cloud verify_images "$cloud"
- else
- echo "ERROR: No cloud.cfg for $cloud"
- error=true
- fi
- done
+ for cloud in jenkins-config/clouds/openstack/*; do
+ if [[ -f $cloud/cloud.cfg ]]; then
+ # Get the OS_CLOUD variable from cloud config
+ if ! os_cloud=$(grep -E "^OS_CLOUD=" "$cloud/cloud.cfg" | cut -d'=' -f2); then
+ os_cloud="vex"
+ fi
+ OS_CLOUD=$os_cloud verify_images "$cloud"
+ else
+ echo "ERROR: No cloud.cfg for $cloud"
+ error=true
+ fi
+ done
if $error; then
- exit 1
+ exit 1
# function to test if the argument is empty,
# is two double quotes, or has unwanted suffix
isBadLabel () {
- local label="$1"
- [[ -z "$label" ]] || [[ $label = "\"\"" ]] || [[ $label = *"$suffix" ]]
+ local label="$1"
+ [[ -z "$label" ]] || [[ $label = "\"\"" ]] || [[ $label = *"$suffix" ]]
# function to search an array for a value
# $1 is value
# $2 is array, passed via ${array[@]}
isValueInArray () {
- local e match="$1"
- shift
- for e; do
- [[ "$e" == "$match" ]] && return 0
- done
- return 1
+ local e match="$1"
+ shift
+ for e; do
+ [[ "$e" == "$match" ]] && return 0
+ done
+ return 1
# check prereqs
# AWS job cost not supported, exit
cloudtype="$(jq -r .v1.datasource /run/cloud-init/result.json)"
if [[ $cloudtype == "DataSourceEc2Local" ]]; then
- echo "INFO: Not able to calculate job cost on AWS"
- exit 0
+ echo "INFO: Not able to calculate job cost on AWS"
+ exit 0
lf-activate-venv zipp==1.1.0 python-openstackclient
project=$(xmlstarlet sel \
-N "x=" -t \
--if "/x:project/x:groupId" \
- -v "/x:project/x:groupId" \
+ -v "/x:project/x:groupId" \
--elif "/x:project/x:parent/x:groupId" \
- -v "/x:project/x:parent/x:groupId" \
+ -v "/x:project/x:parent/x:groupId" \
--else -o "" "$pom_path")
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
# Use -x via subshell to show maven invocation details in the log
(set -x
- $MVN clean install javadoc:aggregate \
- -f "$maven_dir_abs" \
- -e -Pq -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=false \
- -DskipTests=true \
- -Dcheckstyle.skip=true \
- -Dfindbugs.skip=true \
- --global-settings "$GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE" \
- --settings "$SETTINGS_FILE" \
+ $MVN clean install javadoc:aggregate \
+ -f "$maven_dir_abs" \
+ -e -Pq -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=false \
+ -DskipTests=true \
+ -Dcheckstyle.skip=true \
+ -Dfindbugs.skip=true \
+ --global-settings "$GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE" \
+ --settings "$SETTINGS_FILE" \
mv "$WORKSPACE/$MAVEN_DIR/target/site/apidocs" "$JAVADOC_DIR"
set -eux -o pipefail
mapfile -t os_ports_ts < <(openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" port list \
- -f value \
- -c ID \
- -c status \
- -c created_at \
- | grep -E DOWN \
- | awk -F' ' '{print $1 " " $3}')
+ -f value \
+ -c ID \
+ -c status \
+ -c created_at \
+ | grep -E DOWN \
+ | awk -F' ' '{print $1 " " $3}')
if [ ${#os_ports_ts[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No orphaned ports found."
# Create the template for the cluster first. Returns the cluster ID as $template_uuid
template_uuid=$(openstack coe cluster template create "$cluster_template_name" \
- --os-cloud "$os_cloud" \
- --image "$base_image" \
- --keypair "$keypair" \
- --external-network public \
- --fixed-network "$fixed_network" \
- --fixed-subnet "$fixed_subnet" \
- --floating-ip-disabled \
- --master-flavor "$master_flavor" \
- --flavor "$node_flavor" \
- --docker-volume-size "$docker_volume_size" \
- --network-driver flannel \
- --master-lb-enabled \
- --volume-driver cinder \
- --labels boot_volume_type=ssd,boot_volume_size="${boot_volume_size}",kube_version="${k8s_version}",kube_tag="${k8s_version}" \
- --coe kubernetes \
- -f value -c uuid | tail -1)
+ --os-cloud "$os_cloud" \
+ --image "$base_image" \
+ --keypair "$keypair" \
+ --external-network public \
+ --fixed-network "$fixed_network" \
+ --fixed-subnet "$fixed_subnet" \
+ --floating-ip-disabled \
+ --master-flavor "$master_flavor" \
+ --flavor "$node_flavor" \
+ --docker-volume-size "$docker_volume_size" \
+ --network-driver flannel \
+ --master-lb-enabled \
+ --volume-driver cinder \
+ --labels \
+kube_version="${k8s_version}",kube_tag="${k8s_version}" \
+ --coe kubernetes \
+ -f value -c uuid | tail -1)
# Create the kubernetes cluster
cluster_uuid=$(openstack coe cluster create "$cluster_name" \
- --os-cloud "$os_cloud" \
- --master-count "$master_count" \
- --node-count "$node_count" \
- --cluster-template "$template_uuid" | awk -F ' ' '{print $5}')
+ --os-cloud "$os_cloud" \
+ --master-count "$master_count" \
+ --node-count "$node_count" \
+ --cluster-template "$template_uuid" | awk -F ' ' '{print $5}')
# Sleep for a little, because sometimes OpenStack has to catch up with itself
sleep 15
-while [ "$(openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster show "$cluster_uuid" -c status -f value)" == "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS" ]; do
- # echo "sleeping $(date)"
- sleep 2m
+while \
+[ "$(openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster show "$cluster_uuid" \
+-c status -f value)" == "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS" ]; do
+ # echo "sleeping $(date)"
+ sleep 2m
-if [ "$(openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster show "$cluster_uuid" -c status -f value)" == "CREATE_FAILED" ]; then
- echo "Failed to create cluster: $cluster_uuid $(date)"
- openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster delete "$cluster_uuid"
- sleep 5m
- openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster template delete "$template_uuid"
- exit 1
+if [ "$(openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster show "$cluster_uuid" \
+-c status -f value)" == "CREATE_FAILED" ]; then
+ echo "Failed to create cluster: $cluster_uuid $(date)"
+ openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster delete "$cluster_uuid"
+ sleep 5m
+ openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster template delete "$template_uuid"
+ exit 1
-if [ "$(openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster show "$cluster_uuid" -c status -f value)" == "CREATE_COMPLETE" ]; then
- echo "Successfully created cluster: $cluster_uuid."
+if [ "$(openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" coe cluster show "$cluster_uuid" \
+-c status -f value)" == "CREATE_COMPLETE" ]; then
+ echo "Successfully created cluster: $cluster_uuid."
while read -r -d $'\n' ; do
done < <(grep -r IMAGE_NAME --include \*.cfg jenkins-config \
- | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' \
- | sort -u)
+ | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' \
+ | sort -u)
while read -r -d $'\n' ; do
done < <(grep -r 'ZZCI - ' --include \*.yaml jjb \
- | awk -F": " '{print $3}' \
- | sed -e "s:'::;s:'$::;/^$/d" -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' \
- | sort -u)
+ | awk -F": " '{print $3}' \
+ | sed -e "s:'::;s:'$::;/^$/d" -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' \
+ | sort -u)
if ! [[ ${#images[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "INFO: There are images to protect defined in jenkins-config."
# IP Addresses are returned as a space separated list so word splitting is ok
# shellcheck disable=SC2207
ip_addresses=($(openstack --os-cloud "$os_cloud" stack show -f json -c outputs "$stack_name" |
- jq -r '.outputs[] |
- select(.output_key | match("^vm_[0-9]+_ips$")) |
- .output_value | .[]'))
+ jq -r '.outputs[] |
+ select(.output_key | match("^vm_[0-9]+_ips$")) |
+ .output_value | .[]'))
for ip in "${ip_addresses[@]}"; do
( copy_ssh_keys "$ip" ) &
if hash 2>/dev/null; then
CURRENT_VERSION="$( --version)"
if version_lt "$CURRENT_VERSION" "$PACKER_VERSION"; then
- echo "Packer version $CURRENT_VERSION installed is less than $PACKER_VERSION available, updating Packer."
- packer_install
+ echo "Packer version $CURRENT_VERSION installed is less than $PACKER_VERSION available, updating Packer."
+ packer_install
- echo "Packer version installed $CURRENT_VERSION is greater than or equal to the required minimum version $PACKER_VERSION."
+ echo "Packer version installed $CURRENT_VERSION is greater than or equal to the required minimum version $PACKER_VERSION."
echo "Packer binary not available, installing Packer version $PACKER_VERSION."
#Python 3.5 in Ubuntu 16.04 workaround
if [[ -f /etc/lsb-release ]]; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC1091
- source /etc/lsb-release
- if [[ $DISTRIB_RELEASE == "16.04" && $DISTRIB_ID == "Ubuntu" ]]; then
- echo "WARNING: Python projects should move to Ubuntu 18.04 to continue receiving support"
- echo "zipp==1.1.0" >> "$requirements_file"
- fi
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1091
+ source /etc/lsb-release
+ if [[ $DISTRIB_RELEASE == "16.04" && $DISTRIB_ID == "Ubuntu" ]]; then
+ echo "WARNING: Python projects should move to Ubuntu 18.04 to continue receiving support"
+ echo "zipp==1.1.0" >> "$requirements_file"
+ fi
python3 -m pip install --user --quiet --upgrade pip
- echo "INFO: Setting artifact variables"
- if [[ -z ${VERSION:-} ]]; then
- VERSION=$(yq -r ".version" "$release_file")
- fi
- if [[ -z ${GIT_TAG:-} ]]; then
- if grep -q "git_tag" "$release_file" ; then
- GIT_TAG=$(yq -r ".git_tag" "$release_file")
- else
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -z ${REF:-} ]]; then
- REF=$(yq -r ".ref" "$release_file")
- fi
- printf "\t%-30s\n" RELEASE_ARTIFACT_INFO:
- printf "\t%-30s %s\n" GERRIT_REF_TO_TAG: "$REF"
- printf "\t%-30s %s\n" VERSION: "$VERSION"
- printf "\t%-30s %s\n" GIT_TAG: "$GIT_TAG"
+ echo "INFO: Setting artifact variables"
+ if [[ -z ${VERSION:-} ]]; then
+ VERSION=$(yq -r ".version" "$release_file")
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${GIT_TAG:-} ]]; then
+ if grep -q "git_tag" "$release_file" ; then
+ GIT_TAG=$(yq -r ".git_tag" "$release_file")
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${REF:-} ]]; then
+ REF=$(yq -r ".ref" "$release_file")
+ fi
+ printf "\t%-30s\n" RELEASE_ARTIFACT_INFO:
+ printf "\t%-30s %s\n" GERRIT_REF_TO_TAG: "$REF"
+ printf "\t%-30s %s\n" VERSION: "$VERSION"
+ printf "\t%-30s %s\n" GIT_TAG: "$GIT_TAG"
release_files=$(git diff-tree -m --no-commit-id -r "$GIT_COMMIT" "$GIT_COMMIT^1" \
--name-only -- "releases/" ".releases/")
if (( $(grep -c . <<<"$release_files") > 1 )); then
- echo "INFO: RELEASE FILES ARE AS FOLLOWS: $release_files"
- echo "ERROR: Adding multiple release files in the same commit"
- echo "ERROR: OR rename/amend/delete of existing files is not supported."
- exit 1
+ echo "INFO: RELEASE FILES ARE AS FOLLOWS: $release_files"
+ echo "ERROR: Adding multiple release files in the same commit"
+ echo "ERROR: OR rename/amend/delete of existing files is not supported."
+ exit 1
- release_file="$release_files"
- echo "INFO: RELEASE FILE: $release_files"
+ release_file="$release_files"
+ echo "INFO: RELEASE FILE: $release_files"
echo "INFO: This job is built with parameters, no release file needed."
- fi
+ fi
if grep -q "container_pull_registry" "$release_file" ; then
CONTAINER_PULL_REGISTRY=$(yq -r ".container_pull_registry" "$release_file")
- echo "INFO: Setting packagecloud variables"
- if [[ -z ${VERSION:-} ]]; then
- VERSION=$(yq -r ".version" "$release_file")
- fi
- if [[ -z ${GIT_TAG:-} ]]; then
- if grep -q "git_tag" $release_file ; then
- GIT_TAG=$(yq -r ".git_tag" "$release_file")
- else
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -z ${LOG_DIR:-} ]]; then
- LOG_DIR=$(yq -r ".log_dir" "$release_file")
- fi
- if [[ -z ${REF:-} ]]; then
- REF=$(yq -r ".ref" "$release_file")
- fi
- if [[ -z ${PACKAGE_NAME:-} ]]; then
- PACKAGE_NAME=$(yq -r ".package_name" "$release_file")
- fi
- printf "\t%-30s %s\n" PACKAGE_NAME: "$PACKAGE_NAME"
- printf "\t%-30s %s\n" LOG_DIR: "$LOG_DIR"
- printf "\t%-30s %s\n" LOGS_URL: "$logs_url"
- printf "\t%-30s %s\n" GIT_REF_TO_TAG: "$REF"
- printf "\t%-30s %s\n" VERSION: "$VERSION"
- printf "\t%-30s %s\n" GIT_TAG: "$GIT_TAG"
+ echo "INFO: Setting packagecloud variables"
+ if [[ -z ${VERSION:-} ]]; then
+ VERSION=$(yq -r ".version" "$release_file")
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${GIT_TAG:-} ]]; then
+ if grep -q "git_tag" $release_file ; then
+ GIT_TAG=$(yq -r ".git_tag" "$release_file")
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${LOG_DIR:-} ]]; then
+ LOG_DIR=$(yq -r ".log_dir" "$release_file")
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${REF:-} ]]; then
+ REF=$(yq -r ".ref" "$release_file")
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${PACKAGE_NAME:-} ]]; then
+ PACKAGE_NAME=$(yq -r ".package_name" "$release_file")
+ fi
+ printf "\t%-30s %s\n" PACKAGE_NAME: "$PACKAGE_NAME"
+ printf "\t%-30s %s\n" LOG_DIR: "$LOG_DIR"
+ printf "\t%-30s %s\n" LOGS_URL: "$logs_url"
+ printf "\t%-30s %s\n" GIT_REF_TO_TAG: "$REF"
+ printf "\t%-30s %s\n" VERSION: "$VERSION"
+ printf "\t%-30s %s\n" GIT_TAG: "$GIT_TAG"
- fi
+ fi
# Continuing displaying Release Information (pypi)
printf "\t%-30s\n" RELEASE_PYPI_INFO:
# TODO: write tag-github-repo function
if [[ $TAG_RELEASE == false ]]; then
- echo "INFO: Skipping code repo tag"
- return
+ echo "INFO: Skipping code repo tag"
+ return
if [[ -z ${GERRIT_URL:-} ]]; then
#Run the loop twice, to catch errors on either nexus repo
if [[ "$JOB_NAME" =~ "merge" ]] && [[ "$DRY_RUN" = false ]]; then
for staging_url in $(zcat "$PATCH_DIR"/staging-repo.txt.gz | awk -e '{print $2}'); do
- NEXUS_URL=$(echo "$staging_url" | sed -e 's|^[^/]*//||' -e 's|/.*$||')
- STAGING_REPO=${staging_url#*repositories/}
- echo "INFO: Promoting $STAGING_REPO on $NEXUS_URL."
- lftools nexus release --server https://"$NEXUS_URL" "$STAGING_REPO"
+ NEXUS_URL=$(echo "$staging_url" | sed -e 's|^[^/]*//||' -e 's|/.*$||')
+ STAGING_REPO=${staging_url#*repositories/}
+ echo "INFO: Promoting $STAGING_REPO on $NEXUS_URL."
+ lftools nexus release --server https://"$NEXUS_URL" "$STAGING_REPO"
set -euo pipefail
- echo "INFO: Running build against branch $1"
- local buildid
- local result
- buildid=$(lftools rtd project-build-trigger "$rtdproject" "$1" | jq '')
- result=null
- while [[ "$result" == null ]]; do
- sleep 10
- result=$(lftools rtd project-build-details "$rtdproject" "$buildid" | jq '.success')
- echo "INFO Current result of running build $result"
- if [[ $result == failed ]]; then
- echo "INFO: read the docs build completed with status: $result"
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- echo "INFO: read the docs build completed with status: $result"
+ echo "INFO: Running build against branch $1"
+ local buildid
+ local result
+ buildid=$(lftools rtd project-build-trigger "$rtdproject" "$1" | jq '')
+ result=null
+ while [[ "$result" == null ]]; do
+ sleep 10
+ result=$(lftools rtd project-build-details "$rtdproject" "$buildid" | jq '.success')
+ echo "INFO Current result of running build $result"
+ if [[ $result == failed ]]; then
+ echo "INFO: read the docs build completed with status: $result"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "INFO: read the docs build completed with status: $result"
umbrella=$(echo "$GERRIT_URL" | awk -F'.' '{print $2}')
if [[ "$SILO" == "sandbox" ]]; then
- rtdproject="$umbrella-$project_dashed-test"
+ rtdproject="$umbrella-$project_dashed-test"
- rtdproject="$umbrella-$project_dashed"
+ rtdproject="$umbrella-$project_dashed"
#MASTER_RTD_PROJECT as a global jenkins cnt
#Exceptions needed for onap, due to importing their old docs.
if [[ $masterproject == "onap-doc" ]]; then
- masterproject="onap"
+ masterproject="onap"
if [[ $rtdproject == "onap-doc" ]]; then
- rtdproject="onap"
+ rtdproject="onap"
if [[ "$JOB_NAME" =~ "verify" ]]; then
- if [[ "$(lftools rtd project-details "$rtdproject" | yq -r '.detail')" == "Not found." ]]; then
- echo "INFO: Project not found, merge will create project https://$"
- fi
-echo "INFO: Verify job completed"
+ if [[ "$(lftools rtd project-details "$rtdproject" | yq -r '.detail')" == "Not found." ]]; then
+ echo "INFO: Project not found, merge will create project https://$"
+ fi
+ echo "INFO: Verify job completed"
if [[ "$JOB_NAME" =~ "merge" ]]; then
-echo "INFO: Performing merge action"
+ echo "INFO: Performing merge action"
+ # This retuns null if project exists.
+ project_exists=false
+ project_created=false
+ declare -i cnt=0
+ while [[ $project_exists == "false" ]]; do
+ if [[ "$(lftools rtd project-details "$rtdproject" | yq -r '.detail')" == "Not found." ]]; then
+ echo "INFO: Project not found"
+ if [[ $project_created == "false" ]]; then
+ echo "INFO: Creating project https://$"
+ lftools rtd project-create "$rtdproject" "$GERRIT_URL/$PROJECT" \
+ git "https://$" py en
+ project_created="true"
+ fi
+ echo "INFO sleeping for 30 seconds $cnt times"
+ sleep 30
+ cnt=$((cnt+1))
+ if (( cnt >= 20 )); then
+ echo "INFO: Job has timed out"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "INFO: Project exists in read the docs as https://$"
+ project_exists="true"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ "$rtdproject" != "$masterproject" ]]; then
+ subproject_exists=false
+ while read -r subproject; do
+ if [[ "$subproject" == "$rtdproject" ]]; then
+ subproject_exists=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done < <(lftools rtd subproject-list "$masterproject")
+ if $subproject_exists; then
+ echo "INFO: subproject $rtdproject relationship already created"
+ else
+ echo "INFO: Creating subproject relationship"
+ lftools rtd subproject-create "$masterproject" "$rtdproject"
+ echo "INFO sleeping for 10 seconds"
+ sleep 10
+ fi
+ fi
- # This retuns null if project exists.
- project_exists=false
- project_created=false
+ # api v3 method does not update /latest/ when master is triggered.
+ # Also, when we build anything other than master we want to trigger /stable/ as well.
+ # allow projects to change their landing page from latest to branch_name
- declare -i cnt=0
- while [[ $project_exists == "false" ]]; do
- if [[ "$(lftools rtd project-details "$rtdproject" | yq -r '.detail')" == "Not found." ]]; then
- echo "INFO: Project not found"
- if [[ $project_created == "false" ]]; then
- echo "INFO: Creating project https://$"
- lftools rtd project-create "$rtdproject" "$GERRIT_URL/$PROJECT" git "https://$" py en
- project_created="true"
- fi
- echo "INFO sleeping for 30 seconds $cnt times"
- sleep 30
- cnt=$((cnt+1))
- if (( cnt >= 20 )); then
- echo "INFO: Job has timed out"
+ current_version="$(lftools rtd project-details "$rtdproject" | yq -r .default_version)"
+ if [[ -z ${DEFAULT_VERSION:-} ]]; then
+ echo "DEFAULT_VERSION (default-version) value cannot be empty"
exit 1
- fi
- else
- echo "INFO: Project exists in read the docs as https://$"
- project_exists="true"
- done
- if [[ "$rtdproject" != "$masterproject" ]]; then
- subproject_exists=false
- while read -r subproject; do
- if [[ "$subproject" == "$rtdproject" ]]; then
- subproject_exists=true
- break
- fi
- done < <(lftools rtd subproject-list "$masterproject")
- if $subproject_exists; then
- echo "INFO: subproject $rtdproject relationship already created"
- else
- echo "INFO: Creating subproject relationship"
- lftools rtd subproject-create "$masterproject" "$rtdproject"
- echo "INFO sleeping for 10 seconds"
- sleep 10
- fi
- fi
- # api v3 method does not update /latest/ when master is triggered.
- # Also, when we build anything other than master we want to trigger /stable/ as well.
- # allow projects to change their landing page from latest to branch_name
- current_version="$(lftools rtd project-details "$rtdproject" | yq -r .default_version)"
- if [[ -z ${DEFAULT_VERSION:-} ]]; then
- echo "DEFAULT_VERSION (default-version) value cannot be empty"
- exit 1
- fi
- default_version="${DEFAULT_VERSION}"
- echo "INFO: current default version $current_version"
- if [[ $current_version != "$default_version" ]]; then
- echo "INFO: Setting rtd landing page to $default_version"
- lftools rtd project-update "$rtdproject" default_version="$default_version"
- fi
- if [[ $GERRIT_BRANCH == "master" ]]; then
- echo "INFO: triggering $rtdproject latest"
- watchbuild latest
- else
- #read the docs only understands lower case branch names
- branch=$(echo "$GERRIT_BRANCH" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
- echo "INFO: Checking if read the docs has seen branch $branch"
- #if this is 200 "null" Then run discover branch
- if [[ $(lftools rtd project-version-details "$rtdproject" "$branch" | jq '.active') == "null" ]]; then
- echo "INFO: read the docs has not seen branch $branch for project $rtdproject"
- echo "INFO: triggering $rtdproject latest to instantiate new branch discovery"
- watchbuild latest
+ default_version="${DEFAULT_VERSION}"
+ echo "INFO: current default version $current_version"
+ if [[ $current_version != "$default_version" ]]; then
+ echo "INFO: Setting rtd landing page to $default_version"
+ lftools rtd project-update "$rtdproject" default_version="$default_version"
- echo "INFO: triggering $rtdproject $branch"
- watchbuild "$branch"
+ if [[ $GERRIT_BRANCH == "master" ]]; then
+ echo "INFO: triggering $rtdproject latest"
+ watchbuild latest
+ else
- #Make newly discovered branches visible in the u/i
- isactive=$(lftools rtd project-version-details "$rtdproject" "$branch" | jq '.active')
- if [[ "$isactive" == false ]]; then
- echo "INFO: Marking $branch as active for project $rtdproject"
- lftools rtd project-version-update "$rtdproject" "$branch" true
- fi
+ #read the docs only understands lower case branch names
+ branch=$(echo "$GERRIT_BRANCH" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+ echo "INFO: Checking if read the docs has seen branch $branch"
- fi
+ #if this is 200 "null" Then run discover branch
+ if [[ $(lftools rtd project-version-details "$rtdproject" "$branch" | jq '.active') == "null" ]]; then
+ echo "INFO: read the docs has not seen branch $branch for project $rtdproject"
+ echo "INFO: triggering $rtdproject latest to instantiate new branch discovery"
+ watchbuild latest
+ fi
+ echo "INFO: triggering $rtdproject $branch"
+ watchbuild "$branch"
+ #Make newly discovered branches visible in the u/i
+ isactive=$(lftools rtd project-version-details "$rtdproject" "$branch" | jq '.active')
+ if [[ "$isactive" == false ]]; then
+ echo "INFO: Marking $branch as active for project $rtdproject"
+ lftools rtd project-version-update "$rtdproject" "$branch" true
+ fi
+ fi
# The Silo Directory for sandbox will get deleted periodically, so
# gracefully handle that
if [[ -d $silo_dir ]]; then
- cd "$silo_dir"
+ cd "$silo_dir"
echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') No Silo Directory, nothing to do"
exit 0
if [[ ! -f /etc/default/sysstat ]] || \
- ! grep --quiet 'ENABLED="true"' /etc/default/sysstat; then
+ ! grep --quiet 'ENABLED="true"' /etc/default/sysstat; then
exit 0