source "/tmp/v/lftools/bin/activate"
set -u # Restore unbound variable checking
+# Check maven-metadata.xml for any unexpected timestamp mismatches
+maven_metadata_validate() {
+ stage_dir="$1"
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo "Usage: maven_metadata_validate STAGE_REPO_DIR"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ error_detected=0
+ mapfile -t files < <(find "$stage_dir" -name maven-metadata.xml | grep SNAPSHOT)
+ for f in "${files[@]}"; do
+ timestamp=$(xmlstarlet sel \
+ -t -v "/metadata/versioning/snapshot/timestamp" "$f")
+ # Scan all snapshot versions but ignore javadoc and source jars
+ mapfile -t ext_timestamps < <(xmlstarlet sel \
+ -t -m "/metadata/versioning/snapshotVersions/snapshotVersion" \
+ -n \
+ --if "classifier='javadoc'" \
+ -o "" \
+ --elif "classifier='sources'" \
+ -o "" \
+ --else \
+ -o "extension:" -v extension \
+ -o " value:" -v value \
+ -o " updated:" -v updated \
+ "$f")
+ for t in "${ext_timestamps[@]}"; do
+ # Ignore blank timestamps caused by xmlstarlet ignores
+ if [[ -z "$t" ]]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ timestamp_error=0
+ if [[ $t != *"$timestamp"* ]]; then
+ echo "Metadata $f 'value:$timestamp' mismatch vs '$t'"
+ timestamp_error=1
+ fi
+ # Updated is timestamp without the dot character
+ if [[ $t != *"${timestamp//\./}"* ]]; then
+ echo "Metadata $f 'updated:${timestamp//\./}' mismatch vs '$t'"
+ timestamp_error=1
+ fi
+ if [[ $timestamp_error != 0 ]]; then
+ error_detected=1
+ cat "$f"
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ if [ $error_detected -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Mismatches in maven-metadata discovered. Quitting..."
+ exit 1
+ fi