--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
+# Copyright (c) 2019 The Linux Foundation and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+"""Github tools."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import click
+from github import Github
+from github import GithubException
+from lftools import config
+def github_cli(ctx):
+ pass
+@click.option('--audit', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='List members without 2fa')
+@click.option('--repos', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='List all repos')
+@click.option('--full', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='All members and their respective teams')
+@click.option('--teams', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='List avaliable teams')
+@click.option('--repofeatures', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='List enabled features for repos in an org')
+def list(ctx, organization, repos, audit, full, teams, repofeatures):
+ """List an Organization's GitHub repos."""
+ token = config.get_setting("github", "token")
+ g = Github(token)
+ orgName = organization
+ try:
+ org = g.get_organization(orgName)
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ if repos:
+ print("All repos for organization: ", orgName)
+ repos = org.get_repos()
+ for repo in repos:
+ print(repo.name)
+ if audit:
+ print("{} members without 2fa:".format(orgName))
+ try:
+ members = org.get_members(filter_="2fa_disabled")
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ for member in members:
+ print(member.login)
+ print("{} outside collaborators without 2fa:".format(orgName))
+ try:
+ collaborators = org.get_outside_collaborators(filter_="2fa_disabled")
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ for collaborator in collaborators:
+ print(collaborator.login)
+ if repofeatures:
+ repos = org.get_repos()
+ for repo in repos:
+ print("{} wiki:{} issues:{}".format(repo.name, repo.has_wiki, repo.has_issues))
+ issues = repo.get_issues
+ for issue in issues():
+ print("{}".format(issue))
+ if full:
+ print("---")
+ print("# All owners for {}:".format(orgName))
+ print("{}-owners:".format(orgName))
+ try:
+ members = org.get_members(role="admin")
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ for member in members:
+ print(" - '{}'".format(member.login))
+ print("# All members for {}".format(orgName))
+ print("{}-members:".format(orgName))
+ try:
+ members = org.get_members()
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ for member in members:
+ print(" - '{}'".format(member.login))
+ print("# All members and all teams for {}".format(orgName))
+ try:
+ teams = org.get_teams
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ for team in teams():
+ print("{}:".format(team.name))
+ for user in team.get_members():
+ print(" - '{}'".format(user.login))
+ print("")
+ teams = None
+ if teams:
+ try:
+ teams = org.get_teams
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ for team in teams():
+ print("{}".format(team.name))
+@click.option('--has_issues', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='Repo should have issues')
+@click.option('--has_projects', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='Repo should have projects')
+@click.option('--has_wiki', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='Repo should have wiki')
+def createrepo(ctx, organization, repository, description, has_issues, has_projects, has_wiki):
+ """Create a Github repo within an Organization.
+ By default has_issues has_wiki and has_projects is set to false.
+ See --help to create a repo with these enabled.
+ """
+ token = config.get_setting("github", "token")
+ g = Github(token)
+ orgName = organization
+ has_issues = has_issues or False
+ has_wiki = has_wiki or False
+ has_projects = has_projects or False
+ print("Creating repo under organization: ", orgName)
+ try:
+ org = g.get_organization(orgName)
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ repos = org.get_repos()
+ for repo in repos:
+ if repo.name == repository:
+ print("repo already exists")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ org.create_repo(
+ repository,
+ allow_rebase_merge=False,
+ auto_init=False,
+ description=description,
+ has_issues=has_issues,
+ has_projects=has_projects,
+ has_wiki=has_wiki,
+ private=False,
+ )
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+@click.option('--has_issues', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='Repo should have issues')
+@click.option('--has_projects', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='Repo should have projects')
+@click.option('--has_wiki', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='Repo should have wiki')
+def modifyrepo(ctx, organization, repository, has_issues, has_projects, has_wiki):
+ """Modify a Github repo within an Organization.
+ By default has_issues has_wiki and has_projects is set to false.
+ See --help to use this command to enable these options.
+ """
+ token = config.get_setting("github", "token")
+ g = Github(token)
+ orgName = organization
+ has_issues = has_issues or False
+ has_wiki = has_wiki or False
+ has_projects = has_projects or False
+ try:
+ org = g.get_organization(orgName)
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ repos = org.get_repos()
+ for repo in repos:
+ if repo.name == repository:
+ repo.edit(has_issues=has_issues)
+ repo.edit(has_wiki=has_wiki)
+ repo.edit(has_wiki=has_projects)
+def createteam(ctx, organization, name, repo, privacy):
+ """Create a Github team within an Organization."""
+ token = config.get_setting("github", "token")
+ g = Github(token)
+ orgName = organization
+ print("Creating team {} for repo {} under organization {} ".format(name, repo, orgName))
+ try:
+ org = g.get_organization(orgName)
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ try:
+ repos = org.get_repos
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ try:
+ teams = org.get_teams
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ my_repos = [repo]
+ repos = [repo for repo in repos() if repo.name in my_repos]
+ for repo in repos:
+ print(repo)
+ if repos:
+ print("repo found")
+ else:
+ print("repo not found")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for team in teams():
+ if team.name == name:
+ print("team {} already exists".format(team))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ org.create_team(
+ name=name,
+ repo_names=repos,
+ privacy=privacy
+ )
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+@click.option('--delete', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='Remove user from org')
+@click.option('--admin', is_flag=True, required=False,
+ help='User is admin for org, or a maintaner of a team')
+def user(ctx, organization, user, team, delete, admin):
+ """Add and Remove users from an org team."""
+ token = config.get_setting("github", "token")
+ g = Github(token)
+ orgName = organization
+ try:
+ org = g.get_organization(orgName)
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ try:
+ user_object = g.get_user(user)
+ print(user_object)
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ print("user {} not found".format(user))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # check if user is a member
+ try:
+ is_member = org.has_in_members(user_object)
+ print("Is {} a member of org {}".format(user, is_member))
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ # get teams
+ try:
+ teams = org.get_teams
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ my_teams = [team]
+ teams = [team for team in teams() if team.name in my_teams]
+ if delete:
+ if is_member:
+ for t in teams:
+ team_id = (t.id)
+ try:
+ team = org.get_team(team_id)
+ team.remove_membership(user_object)
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ else:
+ print("{} is not a member of org cannot delete".format(user))
+ if user and not delete:
+ if admin and is_member:
+ try:
+ team.add_membership(member=user_object, role="maintainer")
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ if admin and not is_member:
+ try:
+ org.invite_user(user=user_object, role="admin", teams=teams)
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ if not admin and is_member:
+ try:
+ team.add_membership(member=user_object, role="member")
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)
+ if not admin and not is_member:
+ try:
+ org.invite_user(user=user_object, teams=teams)
+ except GithubException as ghe:
+ print(ghe)