lftools-install.sh has been deprecated since v0.25.0 update
the best practices docs with the latest changes.
The change is an extension to
I770eec99ae63cf92aa145124859f09d5d327c451 which missed
updating the docs.
Change-Id: I36f36d9848cd53e3e6fd9fbabcdb5b8c36aee268
Signed-off-by: Anil Belur <abelur@linuxfoundation.org>
- shell: !include-raw:
- ../shell/logs-get-credentials.sh
- shell: !include-raw:
- - ../shell/lftools-install.sh
- ../shell/logs-deploy.sh
- shell: !include-raw:
- ../shell/logs-clear-credentials.sh
3 basic steps:
1. Provide credentials via config-file-provider
-2. Run the build scripts in this case lftools-install.sh and logs-deploy.sh
+2. Run logs-deploy.sh
3. Remove credentials provided by config-file-provider
.. _preserve-variable-refs: