--- /dev/null
+Best Practices
+Coala is a great tool for linting all languages. We use it here in lftools for
+linting this project and can be launched simply with python-tox as long as
+Python 3 is available on the system.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ tox -ecoala
+Sometimes running Coala without tox such as for running in interactive mode
+could be handy. In this case it is necessary to install Coala. The recommended
+way to setup Coala is to use a Python VirtualEnv. If possible using a script
+called virtualenvwrapper is recommended as it makes it very simple to manage
+local virtualenvs.
+* Python 3
+* Python VirtualEnv
+* Python VirtualEnvWrapper
+Install Coala
+.. note::
+ Some distros have a package called *coala* available however do not confuse
+ this package with python-coala which is an entirely different piece of
+ software.
+Using virtualenv is the way this guide recommends setting up on a local system
+and will assume VirtualEnvWrapper is available. To install Coala run the
+following commands.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 coala
+ pip install coala coala-bears
+ coala --help
+In future runs in a new shell you can activate the existing coala virtualenv as
+.. code-block:: bash
+ workon coala
+ coala --help
+Setting up Coala a Project
+In some cases we may want to setup coala for a new project that wants to start
+linting their project. We recommend using python-tox to manage a Coala setup
+for any projects.
+* Python 3
+* Python VirtualEnv
+* Python Tox
+Once requirements are met configure the project with a tox.ini and a .coafile
+file. Below are examples of .coafile and tox.ini as defined by lftools. Inside
+the tox.ini file the interesting bits are under [testenv:coala].
+.. literalinclude:: ../.coafile
+ :language: ini
+.. literalinclude:: ../tox.ini
+ :language: ini