build-concurrent: true
+ check-build-node-labels: false
+ external-build-node-labels: ""
- patchset-created-event:
- lf-infra-jjbini
- shell: !include-raw-escape:
- ../shell/jjb-verify-job.sh
+ - conditional-step:
+ condition-kind: boolean-expression
+ condition-expression: "{check-build-node-labels}"
+ on-evaluation-failure: dont-run
+ steps:
+ - inject:
+ properties-content: EXTERNAL_LABELS="{external-build-node-labels}"
+ - shell: !include-raw-escape:
+ - ../shell/jjb-verify-build-nodes.sh
- lf-infra-gpg-verify-git-signature
- job-template:
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -l
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
+# Copyright (c) 2020 The Linux Foundation and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+echo "---> jjb-verify-build-nodes.sh"
+# Checks build-node labels used in ci-management templates and projects,
+# and prints file names with invalid values.
+# Uses -l to get $HOME/.local/bin on path, where pip puts yq
+# Prereqs:
+# - Bash version 3+
+# - Python tool yq is installed; e.g., by python-tools-install.sh
+# - Working directory is a ci-management repo with subdirs
+# jenkins-config/clouds/openstack and jjb
+# Environment variable:
+# - EXTERNAL_LABELS - a space-separated list of build-node labels
+# for nodes not managed in the jenkins-config area (optional)
+set -eu -o pipefail
+# function to search an array for a value
+# $1 is value
+# $2 is array, passed via ${array[@]}
+isValueInArray () {
+ local e match="$1"
+ shift
+ for e; do [[ "$e" == "$match" ]] && return 0; done
+ return 1
+# discover build node labels
+declare -a labels=()
+while IFS= read -r ; do
+ file="$REPLY"
+ # valid files contain IMAGE_NAME; skip the cloud config file
+ if grep -q "IMAGE_NAME" "$file" && ! grep -q "CLOUD_CREDENTIAL_ID" "$file"; then
+ # file name is a valid label, without path prefix and suffix
+ name=$(basename -s "$suffix" "$file")
+ labels+=("$name")
+ # a file can define custom labels
+ if custom=$(grep "LABELS=" "$file" | cut -d= -f2); then
+ # TODO: confirm separator for multiple labels
+ read -r -a customarray <<< "$custom"
+ for c in "${customarray[@]}"; do
+ if ! isValueInArray "$c" "${labels[@]}"; then
+ labels+=("$c")
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+done < <(find "jenkins-config/clouds/openstack" -name \*$suffix)
+echo "Found ${#labels[@]} configured label(s):"
+echo "${labels[@]}"
+declare -a externals=()
+if [[ -n ${EXTERNAL_LABELS:-} ]]; then
+ read -r -a externals <<< "$EXTERNAL_LABELS"
+ echo "Received ${#externals[@]} external label(s):"
+ echo "${externals[@]}"
+ labels=("${externals[@]}" "${labels[@]}")
+# check build node label uses
+while IFS= read -r ; do
+ file="$REPLY"
+ echo "Checking $file"
+ # this includes job-templates which may be annoying
+ nodes=$(yq 'recurse | ."build-node"? | values' "$file" | sort -u | tr -d '"')
+ for node in $nodes; do
+ # may be a yaml list; e.g., '[ foo, bar, baz ]'
+ node="${node//[\[\],]/}"
+ if [[ -n $node ]] && ! isValueInArray "$node" "${labels[@]}"; then
+ echo "ERROR: file $file uses unknown build-node $node"
+ errs=$((errs+1))
+ fi
+ done
+done < <(find "jjb" -name '*.yaml')
+echo "---> jjb-verify-build-nodes.sh ends"
+exit $errs