+@click.argument('nexus-url', envvar='NEXUS_URL')
+@click.argument('repo-id', envvar='REPO_ID')
+@click.argument('file-name', envvar='FILE_NAME')
+# Maven Config
+@click.option('-b', '--maven-bin', envvar='MAVEN_BIN',
+ help='Path of maven binary.')
+@click.option('-gs', '--global-settings', envvar='GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE',
+ help='Global settings file.')
+@click.option('-s', '--settings', envvar='SETTINGS_FILE',
+ help='Settings file.')
+# Maven Artifact GAV
+@click.option('-a', '--artifact-id',
+ help='Maven Artifact ID.')
+@click.option('-c', '--classifier',
+ help='File classifier.')
+@click.option('-f', '--pom-file',
+ help='Pom file to extract GAV information from.')
+@click.option('-g', '--group-id',
+ help='Maven Group ID')
+@click.option('-v', '--version',
+ help='Maven artifact version.')
+def maven_file(
+ # Maven Config
+ ctx, nexus_url, repo_id, file_name,
+ maven_bin, global_settings, settings,
+ # Maven GAV
+ artifact_id, group_id, classifier, version,
+ pom_file):
+ """Deploy a file to a Nexus maven2 repository.
+ As this script uses mvn to deploy. The server configuration should be
+ configured in your local settings.xml. By default the script uses the
+ mvn default "~/.m2/settings.xml" for the configuration but this can be
+ overrided in the following order:
+ \b
+ 1. Passed through CLI option "-s" ("-gs" for global-settings)
+ 2. Environment variable "$SETTINGS_FILE" ("$GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE" for global-settings)
+ 3. Maven default "~/.m2/settings.xml".
+ If pom-file is passed in via the "-f" option then the Maven GAV parameters
+ are not necessary. pom-file setting overrides the Maven GAV parameters.
+ """
+ params = ['deploy', 'maven-file']
+ # Maven Configuration
+ if maven_bin:
+ params.extend(["-b", maven_bin])
+ if global_settings:
+ params.extend(["-l", global_settings])
+ if settings:
+ params.extend(["-s", settings])
+ # Maven Artifact GAV
+ if artifact_id:
+ params.extend(["-a", artifact_id])
+ if classifier:
+ params.extend(["-c", classifier])
+ if group_id:
+ params.extend(["-g", group_id])
+ if pom_file:
+ params.extend(["-f", pom_file])
+ if version:
+ params.extend(["-v", version])
+ # Set required variables last as getopts get's processed first.
+ params.extend([nexus_url, repo_id, file_name])
+ status =
+ sys.exit(status)
@click.argument('nexus-repo-url', envvar='NEXUS_REPO_URL')
@click.argument('deploy-dir', envvar='DEPLOY_DIR')
deploy_archives "$@"
exit 0
+ maven-file )
+ echo "Deploying artifacts..."
+ deploy_maven_file "$@"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
files )
echo "Deploying files..."
echo "ERROR: Unimplemented."
rm -rf "$tmpdir"
+deploy_maven_file_usage () {
+ echo "Usage: $0 <nexus_url> <repo_id> <file>"
+ echo ""
+ echo " nexus_url: The URL to the Nexus Server."
+ echo " repo_id: Server ID as defined in settings.xml."
+ echo " file: File to deploy."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -b /path/to/mvn"
+ echo " -l /path/to/global-settings.xml"
+ echo " -s /path/to/settings.xml"
+ echo " -a <artifact_id>"
+ echo " -c <classifier>"
+ echo " -g <group_id>"
+ echo " -v <version>"
+deploy_maven_file () {
+ # Deploy a file to a Nexus maven2 repository.
+ #
+ # Usage: deploy_maven_file <nexus_url> <repo_id> <file>
+ # (Refer to help for full listing by passing -h)
+ #
+ # As this script uses mvn to deploy. The server configuration should be
+ # configured in your local settings.xml. By default the script uses the
+ # mvn default "~/.m2/settings.xml" for the configuration but this can be
+ # overrided in the following order:
+ #
+ # 1. Passed through CLI option "-s" ("-l" for global-settings)
+ # 2. Environment variable "$SETTINGS_FILE" ("$GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE" for global-settings)
+ # 3. Maven default "~/.m2/settings.xml".
+ #
+ # If pom-file is passed in via the "-f" option then the Maven GAV parameters
+ # are not necessary. pom-file setting overrides the Maven GAV parameters.
+ while getopts a:b:c:f:g:hl:m:s:v: o; do
+ case "$o" in
+ h)
+ deploy_maven_file_usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ ################
+ # Maven Config #
+ ################
+ b)
+ local mvn_bin="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ l)
+ local global_settings="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ s)
+ settings="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ #########################
+ # Maven Artitfact (GAV) #
+ #########################
+ a)
+ local artifact_id="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ c)
+ local classifier="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ f)
+ local pom_file="$OPTARG"
+ echo "pom-file: $pom_file"
+ echo "ERROR: pom_file is currently unimplemented."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ g)
+ local group_id="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ v)
+ local version="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ [?])
+ deploy_maven_file_usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ # User input
+ local nexus_url="$1"
+ local repo_id="$2"
+ local file="$3"
+ if [ "$#" -ne "3" ]; then
+ echo "Missing required arguments."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Until we implement the -f <pom-file> parameter assume that group_id must
+ # be passed.
+ if [ -z "$group_id" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: group_id must be defined. Please pass -g <group_id>."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ################
+ # Start script #
+ ################
+ local mvn_bin="${mvn_bin:-mvn}"
+ local mvn_goals=("org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:deploy-file")
+ declare -a params
+ params+=("-DrepositoryId=\"$repo_id\"")
+ params+=("-Durl=\"$nexus_url\"")
+ params+=("-Dfile=\"$file\"")
+ # Precedence:
+ # 1) -g option
+ # 2) $GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE environment variable
+ if [ ! -z "$global_settings" ]; then
+ params+=("-gs $global_settings")
+ elif [ ! -z "$GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE" ] && [ -z "$global_settings" ]; then
+ params+=("-gs $GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE")
+ fi
+ # Precedence:
+ # 1) -s option
+ # 2) $SETTINGS_FILE environment variable
+ if [ ! -z "$settings" ]; then
+ params+=("-s $settings")
+ elif [ ! -z "$SETTINGS_FILE" ] && [ -z "$settings" ]; then
+ params+=("-s $SETTINGS_FILE")
+ fi
+ local file_type
+ if [[ "$file" == *.tar.gz ]]; then
+ file_type="tar.gz"
+ else
+ file_type="${file##*.}"
+ fi
+ params+=("-Dtype=\"$file_type\"")
+ case "$file_type" in
+ deb )
+ if hash dpkg 2>/dev/null; then
+ echo "dpkg command is available."
+ # If user does not provide artifact_id and / or version then parse
+ # information from file.
+ if [ -z "$artifact_id" ]; then
+ artifact_id=$(dpkg -I "$file" | grep ' Package: ' | sed 's/^[ \t]*Package:[ \t]*//')
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$version" ]; then
+ version=$(dpkg -I "$file" | grep ' Version: ' | sed 's/^[ \t]*Version:[ \t]*//')
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "dpkg command is not available."
+ basefile=$(basename -s .deb "$file")
+ # If user does not provide artifact_id and / or version then parse
+ # information from file.
+ if [ -z "$artifact_id" ]; then
+ artifact_id=$(echo "$basefile" | cut -f 1 -d '_')
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$version" ]; then
+ version=$(echo "$basefile" | cut -f 2- -d '_')
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ rpm )
+ if hash rpm 2>/dev/null; then
+ echo "rpm command is available."
+ # If user does not provide artifact_id and / or version then parse
+ # information from file.
+ if [ -z "$artifact_id" ]; then
+ artifact_id=$(rpm -qp --queryformat="%{name}" "$file")
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$version" ]; then
+ if grep -qE '\.s(rc\.)?rpm' <<<"$file"; then
+ rpmrelease=$(rpm -qp --queryformat="%{release}.src" "$file")
+ else
+ rpmrelease=$(rpm -qp --queryformat="%{release}.%{arch}" "$file")
+ fi
+ version=$(rpm -qp --queryformat="%{version}" "$file")
+ version+="-$rpmrelease"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "rpm command is not available."
+ basefile=$(basename -s .rpm "$file")
+ # If user does not provide artifact_id and / or version then parse
+ # information from file.
+ if [ -z "$artifact_id" ]; then
+ artifact_id=$(echo "$basefile" | rev | cut -f 3- -d '-' | rev)
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$version" ]; then
+ version=$(echo "$basefile" | rev | cut -f 1 -d '-' | rev)
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ * )
+ echo "ERROR: Unrecognized file type \"$file_type\"." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ params+=("-DgroupId=\"$group_id\"")
+ params+=("-DartifactId=\"$artifact_id\"")
+ params+=("-Dversion=\"$version\"")
+ if [ ! -z "$classifier" ]; then
+ params+=("-Dclassifier=\"$classifier\"")
+ fi
+ echo "Deploying $file to $nexus_url..."
+ # make sure the script bombs if we fail an upload
+ if ! eval "$mvn_bin" "${mvn_goals[*]}" "${params[*]}"; then
+ echo "ERROR: There was an error with the upload"
+ exit 1
+ fi
deploy_logs() {
# Deploy logs to a Nexus site repository named logs.