The Sonar job installs the SonarQube CXX build wrapper and scanner tools,
-uses the build wrapper to invoke cmake && make, runs the scanner to
-analyze code files, and publishes the results to SonarCloud. Does not
-support reporting of code coverage. Optionally runs a shell script before
-the build to install prerequisites.
+runs cmake, uses the build wrapper to invoke make, runs the scanner to
+analyze code files, then publishes the results to a SonarQube server like
+SonarCloud. Optionally runs a shell script before the build to install
+prerequisites. Does not support code coverage reporting.
+**Deprecated**; new projects should use a CMake SonarQube template.
This job purposely runs on the master branch because the basic SonarCloud
configuration does not support multi-branch.
:gerrit_sonar_triggers: Override Gerrit Triggers.
+CMake SonarQube
+The SonarQube job installs the SonarQube CXX build wrapper, runs cmake, uses
+the build wrapper to invoke make, then runs the SonarQube Scanner Jenkins
+plug-in to analyze code for bugs, code smells and security vulnerabilities,
+and to upload the result (possibly including code-coverage statistics) to
+a SonarQube server or to SonarCloud.io. Optionally runs a shell script
+before the build to install prerequisites.
+Requires ``SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins``
+This job runs on the master branch because the basic Sonar configuration
+does not support multi-branch.
+Plug-in configurations
+ Manage Jenkins --> Configure System --> SonarQube servers
+ - Name: Sonar (fixed)
+ - Server URL: https://sonar.project.org/ or https://sonarcloud.io
+ - Server authentication token: none for local, API token (saved as
+ a "secret text" credential) for Sonarcloud
+ Manage Jenkins --> Global Tool Configuration --> SonarQube Scanner
+ - Name: SonarQube Scanner (fixed)
+ - Install automatically
+ - Select latest version
+:Template Names:
+ - {project-name}-cmake-sonarqube
+ - gerrit-cmake-sonarqube
+ - github-cmake-sonarqube
+:Comment Trigger: ``run-sonar``
+:Required parameters:
+ :build-node: The node to run the build on.
+ (Commonly in defaults.yaml)
+ :jenkins-ssh-credential: Credential to use for SSH.
+ (Commonly in defaults.yaml)
+ :project: The git repository name.
+ :project-name: Prefix used to name jobs.
+.. comment Start ignoring WriteGoodLintBear
+:Optional Parameters:
+ :archive-artifacts: Pattern for files to archive to the logs server
+ (default: '\*\*/\*.log')
+ :build-wrap-dir: Build wrapper output subdirectory name.
+ (default: $WORKSPACE/bw-output)
+ :cmake-opts: Parameters to pass to cmake. (default: '')
+ :cron: Cron schedule when to trigger the job. This parameter also
+ supports multiline input via YAML pipe | character in cases where
+ one may want to provide more than 1 cron timer. (default: @weekly)
+ :install-prefix: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to use for install.
+ (default: $BUILD_DIR/output)
+ :make-opts: Parameters to pass to make. (default: '')
+ :sonar-additional-args: Command line arguments. (default: '')
+ :sonar-java-opts: JVM options. For example, use option -Xmx
+ to increase the memory size limit. (default: '')
+ :sonar-prescan-script: A shell script to run before the build and scan.
+ Useful for setting up dependencies. (default: '')
+ :sonar-project-file: The file name with Sonar configuration properties
+ (default: sonar-project.properties)
+ :sonar-properties: Sonar configuration properties. (default: '')
+ :sonar-task: Sonar task to run. (default: '')
+.. comment Stop ignoring
+.. note:: A job definition must provide one of the optional parameters
+ ``sonar-project-file`` and ``sonar-properties``; they cannot both be
+ empty. Set Sonar properties directly in the job definition by setting
+ the ``sonar-project-file`` property to ``""`` and adding all properties
+ under ``sonar-properties``.
+:Required Sonar Properties:
+ - sonar.login: The API token for authentication at SonarCloud.
+ Commonly defined as key "sonarcloud_api_token" in defaults.yaml.
+ - sonar.organization: The umbrella project name; e.g., "opendaylight".
+ Commonly defined as key "sonarcloud_project_organization" in defaults.yaml.
+ - sonar.projectName: The git repository name without slashes; e.g., "infrautils".
+ - sonar.projectKey: The globally unique key for the report in SonarCloud. Most
+ teams use the catenation of sonar.organization, an underscore, and
+ sonar.projectName; e.g., "opendaylight_infrautils".
+:Optional Sonar Properties:
+ - sonar.cfamily.gcov.reportsPath: directory with GCOV output files
+ - Documentation of SonarQube properties is here:
+ https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/overview/
+Example job definition
+The following example defines a job for a project with CXX source files
+in the "src" directory, and unit tests that write coverage files in
+GCOV format to the "test" directory. This definition uses configuration
+parameters in the umbrella project's defaults.yaml file.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ - project:
+ name: my-project-sonar
+ project: my/project
+ project-name: my-project
+ sonar-project-file: ""
+ sonar-properties: |
+ sonar.login={sonarcloud_api_token}
+ sonar.projectKey={sonarcloud_project_organization}_{project-name}
+ sonar.projectName={project-name}
+ sonar.organization={sonarcloud_project_organization}
+ sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8
+ sonar.sources=src
+ sonar.cfamily.build-wrapper-output=$WORKSPACE/bw-output
+ sonar.cfamily.gcov.reportsPath=test
+ jobs:
+ - gerrit-cmake-sonarqube
CMake Stage
Use method 2 in conjunction with 'pre-build' configuration to
generate the artifact_version automatically from files in the
- project's repository. For example with pre-build script:
+ project's repository. An example pre-build script appears below.
- .. code-block:: bash
+.. code-block:: bash
- #!/bin/bash
- MAJOR_VERSION="$(grep 'set(OCIO_VERSION_MAJOR' CMakeLists.txt | awk '{{print $NF}}' | awk -F')' '{{print $1}}')"
- MINOR_VERSION="$(grep 'set(OCIO_VERSION_MINOR' CMakeLists.txt | awk '{{print $NF}}' | awk -F')' '{{print $1}}')"
- PATCH_VERSION="$(grep 'set(OCIO_VERSION_PATCH' CMakeLists.txt | awk '{{print $NF}}' | awk -F')' '{{print $1}}')"
- echo "${{MAJOR_VERSION}}.${{MINOR_VERSION}}.${{PATCH_VERSION}}" > /tmp/artifact_version
+ #!/bin/bash
+ MAJOR_VERSION="$(grep 'set(OCIO_VERSION_MAJOR' CMakeLists.txt | awk '{{print $NF}}' | awk -F')' '{{print $1}}')"
+ MINOR_VERSION="$(grep 'set(OCIO_VERSION_MINOR' CMakeLists.txt | awk '{{print $NF}}' | awk -F')' '{{print $1}}')"
+ PATCH_VERSION="$(grep 'set(OCIO_VERSION_PATCH' CMakeLists.txt | awk '{{print $NF}}' | awk -F')' '{{print $1}}')"
+ echo "${{MAJOR_VERSION}}.${{MINOR_VERSION}}.${{PATCH_VERSION}}" > /tmp/artifact_version
CMake Verify
-# CMAKE Sonar #
- lf_cmake_sonar: &lf_cmake_sonar
- timed: "{obj:cron}"
+- lf_cmake_sonarqube: &lf_cmake_sonarqube
+ name: lf-cmake-sonarqube
+ ######################
+ # Default parameters #
+ ######################
+ archive-artifacts: >
+ **/*.log
+ branch: master # Sonar should always be run on master branch
+ build-days-to-keep: 7
+ build-dir: "$WORKSPACE/build"
+ build-timeout: 15
+ build-wrap-dir: "$WORKSPACE/bw-output"
+ cmake-opts: ""
+ cron: "@weekly"
+ disable-job: false
+ git-url: "$GIT_URL/$PROJECT"
+ github-url: "https://github.com"
+ install-prefix: "$BUILD_DIR/output"
+ make-opts: ""
+ stream: master
+ submodule-recursive: true
+ submodule-timeout: 10
+ submodule-disable: false
+ # Sonar properties
+ sonar-additional-args: ""
+ sonar-java-opts: ""
+ sonar-prescan-script: ""
+ sonar-project-file: "sonar-project.properties"
+ sonar-properties: ""
+ sonar-task: ""
+ #####################
+ # Job Configuration #
+ #####################
+ project-type: freestyle
+ node: "{build-node}"
+ disabled: "{disable-job}"
+ properties:
+ - lf-infra-properties:
+ build-days-to-keep: "{build-days-to-keep}"
+ wrappers:
+ - lf-infra-wrappers:
+ build-timeout: "{build-timeout}"
+ jenkins-ssh-credential: "{jenkins-ssh-credential}"
+ parameters:
+ - lf-infra-parameters:
+ project: "{project}"
+ branch: "{branch}"
+ stream: "{stream}"
+ - lf-cmake-parameters:
+ build-dir: "{build-dir}"
+ cmake-opts: "{cmake-opts}"
+ install-prefix: "{install-prefix}"
+ make-opts: "{make-opts}"
+ - string:
+ default: "{archive-artifacts}"
+ description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server.
+ - string:
+ default: "{build-wrap-dir}"
+ description: SonarQube build wrapper output directory.
+ builders:
+ - lf-infra-pre-build
+ - shell: "{sonar-prescan-script}"
+ - shell: !include-raw-escape: ../shell/cmake-sonarqube.sh
+ - lf-infra-sonar:
+ sonar-task: "{sonar-task}"
+ sonar-project-file: "{sonar-project-file}"
+ sonar-properties: "{sonar-properties}"
+ sonar-java-opts: "{sonar-java-opts}"
+ sonar-additional-args: "{sonar-additional-args}"
+ publishers:
+ - lf-infra-publish
+- job-template:
+ name: "{project-name}-cmake-sonarqube"
+ id: gerrit-cmake-sonarqube
+ concurrent: false
+ <<: *lf_cmake_sonarqube
+ scm:
+ - lf-infra-gerrit-scm:
+ branch: "$GERRIT_BRANCH"
+ jenkins-ssh-credential: "{jenkins-ssh-credential}"
+ git-url: "{git-url}"
+ refspec: "$GERRIT_REFSPEC"
+ submodule-recursive: "{submodule-recursive}"
+ submodule-timeout: "{submodule-timeout}"
+ submodule-disable: "{submodule-disable}"
+ choosing-strategy: default
+ triggers:
+ - timed: "{obj:cron}"
+ - gerrit:
+ server-name: "{gerrit-server-name}"
+ trigger-on:
+ - comment-added-contains-event:
+ comment-contains-value: '^Patch Set\s+\d+:\s+run-sonar\s*$'
+ projects:
+ - project-compare-type: "ANT"
+ project-pattern: "{project}"
+ branches:
+ - branch-compare-type: "ANT"
+ branch-pattern: "**/{branch}"
+- job-template:
+ name: "{project-name}-cmake-sonarqube"
+ id: github-cmake-sonarqube
+ concurrent: false
+ <<: *lf_cmake_sonarqube
+ scm:
+ - lf-infra-github-scm:
+ branch: "$sha1"
+ jenkins-ssh-credential: "{jenkins-ssh-credential}"
+ url: "{git-clone-url}{github-org}/{project}"
+ refspec: "+refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*"
+ submodule-recursive: "{submodule-recursive}"
+ submodule-timeout: "{submodule-timeout}"
+ submodule-disable: "{submodule-disable}"
+ choosing-strategy: default
+ triggers:
+ - github-pull-request:
+ trigger-phrase: "^run-sonar$"
+ only-trigger-phrase: false
+ status-context: "CMake Sonarqube"
+ permit-all: true
+ github-hooks: true
+ white-list-target-branches:
+ - "{branch}"
--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
+# Copyright (c) 2020 The Linux Foundation and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+echo "---> cmake-sonarqube.sh"
+# Runs cmake then make using a wrapper for the SonarQube Jenkins plug-in
+# https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/languages/cfamily/
+set -eux -o pipefail
+cd /tmp || exit 1
+wget -q -O bw.zip https://sonarcloud.io/static/cpp/build-wrapper-linux-x86.zip
+unzip -q bw.zip
+sudo mv build-wrapper-* /opt/build-wrapper
+mkdir -p "$build_dir"
+cd "$build_dir" || exit 1
+# $cmake_opts needs to wordsplit to pass options.
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+eval cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$INSTALL_PREFIX" $cmake_opts ..
+# $make_opts may be empty.
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+/opt/build-wrapper/build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir "$build_wrap_dir" make $make_opts
+echo "---> cmake-sonarqube.sh ends"