--- /dev/null
+ - |
+ Conventional Commit message subject lines are now enforced. This affects
+ CI. Additionally, if developers want to protect themselves from CI failing
+ on this please make sure of the following
+ * you have pre-commit installed
+ * that you have run
+ pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
description = Precommit checks for black, gitlint, etc.
basepython = python3
-deps = pre-commit
+allowlist_externals =
+ /bin/sh
+deps =
+ pre-commit
+passenv = HOME
commands =
pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure
- pre-commit run gitlint --hook-stage commit-msg --commit-msg-filename .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
+ /bin/sh -c 'if ! git config --get user.name > /dev/null; then \
+ git config --global --add user.name "CI"; \
+ touch .git/REMOVE_USERNAME; fi'
+ /bin/sh -c 'if ! git config --get user.email > /dev/null; then \
+ git config --global --add user.email "ci@example.org"; \
+ touch .git/REMOVE_USEREMAIL; fi'
+ /bin/sh -c "if [ -f .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG ]; then \
+ cp .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG .git/COMMIT_MSGTOX; else \
+ git log HEAD -n1 --pretty=%B > .git/COMMIT_MSGTOX; fi"
+ pre-commit run gitlint --hook-stage commit-msg --commit-msg-filename .git/COMMIT_MSGTOX
+ /bin/sh -c "rm -f .git/COMMIT_MSGTOX"
+ /bin/sh -c "if [ -f .git/REMOVE_USERNAME ]; then \
+ git config --global --unset user.name; \
+ rm -f .git/REMOVE_USERNAME; fi"
+ /bin/sh -c "if [ -f .git/REMOVE_USEREMAIL ]; then \
+ git config --global --unset user.email; \
+ rm -f .git/REMOVE_USEREMAIL; fi"
description = OpenStack Reno checks