from __future__ import print_function
+import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
This class fetches and stores all docker tags for a repository.
Doing this manually from command line, you will give this command:
- curl -s https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/onap/base_sdc-sanity/tags
- which gives you the following output:
- {"layer": "", "name": "latest"}, {"layer": "", "name": "1.3.0"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.3.1"}, {"layer": "", "name": "1.4.0"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.4.1"}, {"layer": "", "name": "v1.0.0"}]
+ curl -s https://registry.hub.docker.com:443/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/base_sdc-sanity/tags
+ which gives you a json output. Just looking for the tag names we do this
+ curl -s https://registry.hub.docker.com:443/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/base_sdc-sanity/tags | jq -r ".results[].name"
+ latest
+ 1.7.0
+ 1.6.0
+ 1.4.1
+ 1.4.0
+ 1.3.1
+ 1.3.0
+ v1.0.0
- When we fetch the tags from the docker repository url, they are returned like
- [{"layer": "", "name": "latest"}, {"layer": "", "name": "v1.0.0"}]
Hence, we need to extract all the tags, and add them to our list of valid or
invalid tags.
If we fail to collect the tags, we set the repository_exist flag to false.
If no repository is found, self.repository_exist will be set to False.
- _docker_base = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories"
+ _docker_base_start = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/"
def __init__(self, org_name, repo_name, repo_from_file):
"""Initialize this class."""
combined_repo_name = "{}/{}".format(org_name, repo_name)
log.debug("Fetching docker tags for {}".format(combined_repo_name))
- retries = 0
- while retries < 20:
- try:
- r = _request_get(self._docker_base + "/" + combined_repo_name + "/tags")
- if r.status_code == 429:
- # Docker returns 429 if we access it too fast too many times.
- # If it happends, delay 60 seconds, and try again, up to 19 times.
- log.debug(
- "Too many docker gets too fast, wait 1 min: {}, repo {}".format(retries, combined_repo_name)
- )
- time.sleep(60)
+ _docker_base = self._docker_base_start + "{}/repositories".format(org_name)
+ still_more = True
+ docker_tag_url = _docker_base + "/" + repo_name + "/tags"
+ while still_more:
+ retries = 0
+ while retries < 20:
+ try:
+ log.debug("URL={}".format(docker_tag_url))
+ r = _request_get(docker_tag_url)
+ if r.status_code == 429:
+ # Docker returns 429 if we access it too fast too many times.
+ # If it happends, delay 60 seconds, and try again, up to 19 times.
+ log.debug(
+ "Too many docker gets too fast, wait 1 min: {}, repo {}".format(retries, combined_repo_name)
+ )
+ time.sleep(60)
+ retries = retries + 1
+ else:
+ break
+ except requests.HTTPError as excinfo:
+ log.debug("Fetching Docker Hub tags. {}".format(excinfo))
retries = retries + 1
- else:
- break
- except requests.HTTPError as excinfo:
- log.debug("Fetching Docker Hub tags. {}".format(excinfo))
- retries = retries + 1
- if retries > 19:
- self.repository_exist = False
- return
- log.debug("r.status_code = {}, ok={}".format(r.status_code, r.status_code == requests.codes.ok))
- if r.status_code == 429:
- # Speed throttling in effect. Cancel program
- raise requests.HTTPError(
- "Speed throttling in effect. To fast accessing dockerhub for tags.\n {}".format(r.text)
- )
- if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
- raw_tags = r.text
- raw_tags = raw_tags.replace("}]", "")
- raw_tags = raw_tags.replace("[{", "")
- raw_tags = raw_tags.replace("{", "")
- raw_tags = raw_tags.replace('"', "")
- raw_tags = raw_tags.replace(" ", "")
- TmpSplittedTuple = raw_tags.split("}")
- if len(TmpSplittedTuple) > 0:
- for tuple in TmpSplittedTuple:
- tmp_tuple = tuple.split(":")
- if len(tmp_tuple) > 1:
- self.add_tag(tmp_tuple[2].strip())
- log.debug("Docker {} has tag {}".format(combined_repo_name, tmp_tuple[2]))
- else:
- self.repository_exist = False
+ if retries > 19:
+ self.repository_exist = False
+ return
+ log.debug("r.status_code = {}, ok={}".format(r.status_code, r.status_code == requests.codes.ok))
+ if r.status_code == 429:
+ # Speed throttling in effect. Cancel program
+ raise requests.HTTPError(
+ "Dockerhub throttling at tag fetching.\n {}".format(r.text)
+ )
+ if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ raw_json = json.loads(r.text)
+ try:
+ for result in raw_json["results"]:
+ tag_name = result["name"]
+ self.add_tag(tag_name)
+ log.debug("Docker {} has tag {}".format(combined_repo_name, tag_name))
+ except:
+ log.debug("Issue fetching tags for {}".format(combined_repo_name))
+ else:
+ self.repository_exist = False
+ if raw_json["next"]:
+ docker_tag_url = raw_json["next"]
+ still_more = True
+ else:
+ still_more = False
class ProjectClass:
--- /dev/null
+ - |
+ Dockerhub retired the v1 version of the dockerhub api, which was used
+ to collect the existing tag information. This patch replaces v1 with v2
+ which is using json files.
--- /dev/null
+ "count": 7,
+ "next": null,
+ "previous": null,
+ "results": [
+ {
+ "creator": 4339606,
+ "id": 68582206,
+ "images": [
+ {
+ "architecture": "amd64",
+ "features": "",
+ "variant": null,
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+ "size": 236420979,
+ "status": "active",
+ "last_pulled": "2022-08-14T13:55:25.099592Z",
+ "last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:02:42.108521Z"
+ }
+ ],
+ "last_updated": "2022-11-16T12:02:42.108521Z",
+ "last_updater": 2325232,
+ "last_updater_username": "onapdockerhub",
+ "name": "1.5.2",
+ "repository": 6189598,
+ "full_size": 236420979,
+ "v2": true,
+ "tag_status": "active",
+ "tag_last_pulled": "2022-08-14T13:55:25.099592Z",
+ "tag_last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:02:42.108521Z",
+ "media_type": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
+ "digest": "sha256:b5394b4697cfeaae2494a5c8ac9254c9415213f4a1241b5d63137110f54ab8d0"
+ },
+ {
+ "creator": 4339606,
+ "id": 54419291,
+ "images": [
+ {
+ "architecture": "amd64",
+ "features": "",
+ "variant": null,
+ "digest": "sha256:04bcb7034020c3740d57abff5bc205270c27f0023a093f2fd5d902487a3e01d2",
+ "os": "linux",
+ "os_features": "",
+ "os_version": null,
+ "size": 330956612,
+ "status": "active",
+ "last_pulled": "2022-01-18T13:34:50.997188Z",
+ "last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:02:22.142022Z"
+ }
+ ],
+ "last_updated": "2022-11-16T12:02:22.142022Z",
+ "last_updater": 2325232,
+ "last_updater_username": "onapdockerhub",
+ "name": "1.4.0",
+ "repository": 6189598,
+ "full_size": 330956612,
+ "v2": true,
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+ "tag_last_pulled": "2022-01-18T13:34:50.997188Z",
+ "tag_last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:02:22.142022Z",
+ "media_type": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
+ "digest": "sha256:04bcb7034020c3740d57abff5bc205270c27f0023a093f2fd5d902487a3e01d2"
+ },
+ {
+ "creator": 4339606,
+ "id": 44037046,
+ "images": [
+ {
+ "architecture": "amd64",
+ "features": "",
+ "variant": null,
+ "digest": "sha256:5579c0f5f46f75fd23effc319a8d8169253c720fc3aa83fcb5ef2cc44a9f79a7",
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+ "os_features": "",
+ "os_version": null,
+ "size": 306777861,
+ "status": "active",
+ "last_pulled": "2022-01-18T13:34:47.196389Z",
+ "last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:01:51.181469Z"
+ }
+ ],
+ "last_updated": "2022-11-16T12:01:51.181469Z",
+ "last_updater": 2325232,
+ "last_updater_username": "onapdockerhub",
+ "name": "1.3.2",
+ "repository": 6189598,
+ "full_size": 306777861,
+ "v2": true,
+ "tag_status": "active",
+ "tag_last_pulled": "2022-01-18T13:34:47.196389Z",
+ "tag_last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:01:51.181469Z",
+ "media_type": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
+ "digest": "sha256:5579c0f5f46f75fd23effc319a8d8169253c720fc3aa83fcb5ef2cc44a9f79a7"
+ },
+ {
+ "creator": 4339606,
+ "id": 39041406,
+ "images": [
+ {
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+ "features": "",
+ "variant": null,
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+ "size": 309691887,
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+ "last_pulled": "2022-08-14T13:55:40.256178Z",
+ "last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:01:22.802907Z"
+ }
+ ],
+ "last_updated": "2022-11-16T12:01:22.802907Z",
+ "last_updater": 2325232,
+ "last_updater_username": "onapdockerhub",
+ "name": "1.3.1",
+ "repository": 6189598,
+ "full_size": 309691887,
+ "v2": true,
+ "tag_status": "active",
+ "tag_last_pulled": "2022-08-14T13:55:40.256178Z",
+ "tag_last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:01:22.802907Z",
+ "media_type": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
+ "digest": "sha256:39c30a61fe8705536dd193bbfbd96820901700a7380c5d75f081d1f8312aa0e3"
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": 38206299,
+ "images": [
+ {
+ "architecture": "amd64",
+ "features": "",
+ "variant": null,
+ "digest": "sha256:3945e98997fb875b6d5f8db21967f1b3c05023ff5b5986f14b99a3ada7c6bf90",
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+ "os_features": "",
+ "os_version": null,
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+ "last_pulled": "2022-08-14T13:55:44.929781Z",
+ "last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:00:57.436924Z"
+ }
+ ],
+ "last_updated": "2022-11-16T12:00:57.436924Z",
+ "last_updater": 2325232,
+ "last_updater_username": "onapdockerhub",
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+ "tag_status": "active",
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+ "tag_last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:00:57.436924Z",
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+ "images": [
+ {
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+ "features": "",
+ "variant": null,
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+ "os_features": "",
+ "os_version": null,
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+ "last_pulled": "2022-01-18T13:34:41.188991Z",
+ "last_pushed": "2022-11-16T12:00:32.417426Z"
+ }
+ ],
+ "last_updated": "2022-11-16T12:00:32.417426Z",
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "repository": 2072215,
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+ "tag_last_pushed": "2022-11-08T11:06:36.826187Z",
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+ "features": "",
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+ "last_pulled": "2022-02-07T03:57:05.385318Z",
+ "last_pushed": "2022-11-08T11:06:20.429126Z"
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+ "last_updated": "2022-11-08T11:06:20.429126Z",
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+ "name": "1.4.1",
+ "repository": 2072215,
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+ "tag_last_pulled": "2022-02-07T03:57:05.385318Z",
+ "tag_last_pushed": "2022-11-08T11:06:20.429126Z",
+ "media_type": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
+ "digest": "sha256:bbebbb005eda716ae71c7d0ed666ca4d5476dba6e4c65e990296c87491e8928f"
+ },
+ {
+ "creator": 4339606,
+ "id": 38122048,
+ "images": [
+ {
+ "architecture": "amd64",
+ "features": "",
+ "variant": null,
+ "digest": "sha256:062a5498aeecfc4b811a5622caed09c646e990a90c3949a74b9322a94a82c88c",
+ "os": "linux",
+ "os_features": "",
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+ "size": 163948477,
+ "status": "active",
+ "last_pulled": "2022-01-18T11:27:05.97255Z",
+ "last_pushed": "2022-11-08T11:05:53.36546Z"
+ }
+ ],
+ "last_updated": "2022-11-08T11:05:53.36546Z",
+ "last_updater": 2325232,
+ "last_updater_username": "onapdockerhub",
+ "name": "1.3.1",
+ "repository": 2072215,
+ "full_size": 163948477,
+ "v2": true,
+ "tag_status": "active",
+ "tag_last_pulled": "2022-01-18T11:27:05.97255Z",
+ "tag_last_pushed": "2022-11-08T11:05:53.36546Z",
+ "media_type": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
+ "digest": "sha256:062a5498aeecfc4b811a5622caed09c646e990a90c3949a74b9322a94a82c88c"
+ },
+ {
+ "creator": 4339606,
+ "id": 38121837,
+ "images": [
+ {
+ "architecture": "amd64",
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
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+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
+def data_from_file(filename):
+ """Return content from file"""
+ with open(filename, "r") as f:
+ return f.read()
def test_remove_http_from_url():
"""Test _remove_http_from_url."""
test_url = [
def test_nexus_tag_class(responses):
"""Test NexusTagClass"""
org = "onap"
- repo = "base/sdc-sanity"
+ repo = "sdc-helm-validator"
repo_from_file = False
- url = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/base/sdc-sanity/tags/list"
- answer = '{"name":"onap/base_sdc-sanity","tags":["latest","1.3.0","1.3.1","1.4.0","1.4.1","v1.0.0"]}'
- answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1"]
+ url = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/sdc-helm-validator/tags/list"
+ answer = (
+ '{"name":"onap/sdc-helm-validator","tags":["latest","1.3.0","1.3.1","1.4.0","1.4.1","1.6.0","1.7.0","v1.0.0"]}'
+ )
+ answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1", "1.6.0", "1.7.0"]
answer_invalid_tags = ["latest", "v1.0.0"]
responses.add(responses.GET, url, body=answer, status=200)
assert len(test_tags.invalid) == len(answer_invalid_tags)
-def test_docker_tag_class(responses):
+ os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, "nexus"),
+def test_docker_tag_class(responses, datafiles):
"""Test DockerTagClass"""
org = "onap"
- repo = "base-sdc-sanity"
+ repo = "sdc-helm-validator"
repo_from_file = False
- url = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/onap/base-sdc-sanity/tags"
- answer = """[{"layer": "", "name": "latest"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.3.0"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.3.1"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.4.0"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.4.1"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "v1.0.0"}]
- """
- answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1"]
+ url = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdc-helm-validator/tags"
+ answer = data_from_file(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdc-helm-validator.json"))
+ answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1", "1.6.0", "1.7.0"]
answer_invalid_tags = ["latest", "v1.0.0"]
responses.add(responses.GET, url, body=answer, status=200)
assert len(test_tags.invalid) == len(answer_invalid_tags)
-def test_docker_tag_err_429_class(responses, mocker):
+ os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, "nexus"),
+def test_multiple_pages_4_dockertags(responses, datafiles):
+ org = "onap"
+ repo = "sdnc-aaf-image"
+ repo_from_file = False
+ url1 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdnc-aaf-image/tags"
+ url2 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdnc-aaf-image/tags?page=2"
+ url3 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdnc-aaf-image/tags?page=3"
+ url4 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdnc-aaf-image/tags?page=4"
+ url5 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdnc-aaf-image/tags?page=5"
+ answer1 = data_from_file(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdnc-aaf-image-page1.json"))
+ answer2 = data_from_file(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdnc-aaf-image-page2.json"))
+ answer3 = data_from_file(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdnc-aaf-image-page3.json"))
+ answer4 = data_from_file(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdnc-aaf-image-page4.json"))
+ answer5 = data_from_file(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdnc-aaf-image-page5.json"))
+ answer_valid_tags = [
+ "1.5.1",
+ "1.5.2",
+ "1.5.3",
+ "1.5.4",
+ "1.6.1",
+ "1.6.2",
+ "1.7.0",
+ "1.7.3",
+ "1.7.4",
+ "1.7.5",
+ "1.7.6",
+ "1.7.7",
+ "1.8.0",
+ "1.8.1",
+ "1.8.2",
+ "1.8.3",
+ "1.8.4",
+ "2.0.0",
+ "2.0.1",
+ "2.0.2",
+ "2.0.3",
+ "2.0.4",
+ "2.0.5",
+ "2.0.6",
+ "2.1.0",
+ "2.1.1",
+ "2.1.2",
+ "2.1.3",
+ "2.1.4",
+ "2.1.5",
+ "2.1.6",
+ "2.2.0",
+ "2.2.1",
+ "2.2.2",
+ "2.2.3",
+ "2.2.4",
+ "2.2.5",
+ "2.3.0",
+ "2.3.1",
+ "2.3.2",
+ "2.4.0",
+ "2.4.1",
+ ]
+ answer_invalid_tags = []
+ responses.add(responses.GET, url1, body=answer1, status=200)
+ responses.add(responses.GET, url2, body=answer2, status=200)
+ responses.add(responses.GET, url3, body=answer3, status=200)
+ responses.add(responses.GET, url4, body=answer4, status=200)
+ responses.add(responses.GET, url5, body=answer5, status=200)
+ rdh.initialize(org)
+ test_tags = rdh.DockerTagClass(org, repo, repo_from_file)
+ for tag in answer_valid_tags:
+ assert tag in test_tags.valid
+ for tag in answer_invalid_tags:
+ assert tag in test_tags.invalid
+ assert len(test_tags.valid) == len(answer_valid_tags)
+ assert len(test_tags.invalid) == len(answer_invalid_tags)
+ os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, "nexus"),
+def test_docker_tag_err_429_class(responses, datafiles, mocker):
"""Test DockerTagClass"""
mocker.patch("time.sleep", return_value=None)
org = "onap"
- repo = "base-sdc-sanity"
+ repo = "sdc-helm-validator"
repo_from_file = False
- url = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/onap/base-sdc-sanity/tags"
- answer = """[{"layer": "", "name": "latest"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.3.0"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.3.1"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.4.0"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.4.1"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "v1.0.0"}]
- """
- answer_429 = '{"detail": "Rate limit exceeded", "error": false}"'
- answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1"]
+ url = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdc-helm-validator/tags"
+ answer = data_from_file(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdc-helm-validator.json"))
+ answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1", "1.6.0", "1.7.0"]
answer_invalid_tags = ["latest", "v1.0.0"]
+ answer_429 = '{"detail": "Rate limit exceeded", "error": false}"'
# Do 19 failed and next one should work
def test_tag_class_repository_exist():
"""Test TagClass"""
org = "onap"
- repo = "base/sdc-sanity"
+ repo = "sdc-helm-validator"
repo_from_file = False
tags = rdh.TagClass(org, repo, repo_from_file)
def test_tag_class_valid_tags(self):
"""Test TagClass"""
org = "onap"
- repo = "base/sdc-sanity"
+ repo = "sdc-helm-validator"
repo_from_file = False
test_tags = ["1.2.3", "1.22.333", "111.22.3", "10.11.12", "1.0.3"]
def test_tag_class_invalid_tags(self):
"""Test TagClass"""
org = "onap"
- repo = "base/sdc-sanity"
+ repo = "sdc-helm-validator"
repo_from_file = False
test_tags = [
def test_tag_class_manual_version_regexp_str_valid_tags(self):
"""Test TagClass"""
org = "onap"
- repo = "base/sdc-sanity"
+ repo = "sdc-helm-validator"
test_regexp = r"^v\d+.\d+.\d+$"
repo_from_file = False
test_tags = ["v1.2.3", "v1.22.333", "v111.22.3", "v10.11.12", "v1.0.3"]
def test_tag_class_manual_version_regexp_str_invalid_tags(self):
"""Test TagClass"""
org = "onap"
- repo = "base/sdc-sanity"
+ repo = "sdc-helm-validator"
test_regexp = r"v^\d+.\d+.\d+$"
repo_from_file = False
test_tags = [
assert rdh.VERSION_REGEXP == "["
+ os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, "nexus"),
class TestProjectClass:
"""Test ProjectClass.
_test_image_long_id = "sha256:3450464d68c9443dedc8bfe3272a23e6441c37f707c42d32fee0ebdbcd319d2c"
_test_image_short_id = "sha256:3450464d68"
_expected_nexus_image_str = [
- "nexus3.onap.org:10002/onap/base/sdc-sanity:1.4.0",
- "nexus3.onap.org:10002/onap/base/sdc-sanity:1.4.1",
+ "nexus3.onap.org:10002/onap/sdc-helm-validator:1.4.0",
+ "nexus3.onap.org:10002/onap/sdc-helm-validator:1.4.1",
class mock_image:
if self.counter.cleanup <= self.nbr_exc.cleanup:
raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError("Connection Error")
- def test_ProjectClass_2_missing(self, responses, mocker):
+ def test_ProjectClass_2_missing(self, responses, datafiles, mocker):
"""Test ProjectClass"""
mocker.patch("lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_pull", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_pull)
mocker.patch("lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_tag", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_tag)
"lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_cleanup", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_cleanup
- project = ["onap", "base/sdc-sanity", ""]
- nexus_url = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/base/sdc-sanity/tags/list"
- nexus_answer = '{"name":"onap/base_sdc-sanity","tags":["1.3.0","1.3.1","1.4.0","1.4.1","v1.0.0"]}'
- docker_url = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/onap/base-sdc-sanity/tags"
- docker_answer = """[{"layer": "", "name": "1.3.0"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.3.1"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "v1.0.0"}]
- """
- nexus_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1"]
- nexus_answer_invalid_tags = ["v1.0.0"]
- docker_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1"]
- docker_answer_invalid_tags = ["v1.0.0"]
+ project = ["onap", "sdc-helm-validator", ""]
+ nexus_url = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/sdc-helm-validator/tags/list"
+ nexus_answer = '{"name":"onap/sdc-helm-validator","tags":["v1.0.0","1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1","1.6.0", "1.7.0","latest"]}'
+ nexus_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1", "1.6.0", "1.7.0"]
+ nexus_answer_invalid_tags = ["v1.0.0", "latest"]
+ docker_url = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdc-helm-validator/tags"
+ docker_answer = data_from_file(
+ os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdc-helm-validator-missing2.json")
+ )
+ docker_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.6.0", "1.7.0"]
+ docker_answer_invalid_tags = ["latest", "v1.0.0"]
docker_missing_tags = ["1.4.0", "1.4.1"]
self.counter.pull = self.counter.tag = self.counter.push = self.counter.cleanup = 0
test_proj = rdh.ProjectClass(project)
assert test_proj.org_name == "onap"
- assert test_proj.nexus_repo_name == "base/sdc-sanity"
- assert test_proj.docker_repo_name == "base-sdc-sanity"
- assert test_proj.calc_docker_project_name() == "onap/base-sdc-sanity"
+ assert test_proj.nexus_repo_name == "sdc-helm-validator"
+ assert test_proj.docker_repo_name == "sdc-helm-validator"
+ assert test_proj.calc_docker_project_name() == "onap/sdc-helm-validator"
assert len(test_proj.nexus_tags.valid) == len(nexus_answer_valid_tags)
assert len(test_proj.docker_tags.valid) == len(docker_answer_valid_tags)
assert self.counter.push == 2
assert self.counter.cleanup == 2
- def test_ProjectClass_1_missing(self, responses, mocker):
+ def test_ProjectClass_1_missing(self, responses, datafiles, mocker):
"""Test ProjectClass"""
mocker.patch("lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_pull", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_pull)
mocker.patch("lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_tag", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_tag)
"lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_cleanup", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_cleanup
- project = ["onap", "base/sdc-sanity", ""]
- nexus_url = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/base/sdc-sanity/tags/list"
- nexus_answer = '{"name":"onap/base_sdc-sanity","tags":["1.3.0","1.3.1","1.4.0","v1.0.0"]}'
- docker_url = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/onap/base-sdc-sanity/tags"
- docker_answer = """[{"layer": "", "name": "1.3.0"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.3.1"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "v1.0.0"}]
- """
- nexus_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0"]
- nexus_answer_invalid_tags = ["v1.0.0"]
- docker_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1"]
- docker_answer_invalid_tags = ["v1.0.0"]
- docker_missing_tags = ["1.4.0"]
+ project = ["onap", "sdc-helm-validator", ""]
+ nexus_url = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/sdc-helm-validator/tags/list"
+ nexus_answer = '{"name":"onap/sdc-helm-validator","tags":["v1.0.0","1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1","1.6.0", "1.7.0","latest"]}'
+ nexus_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1", "1.6.0", "1.7.0"]
+ nexus_answer_invalid_tags = ["v1.0.0", "latest"]
+ docker_url = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdc-helm-validator/tags"
+ docker_answer = data_from_file(
+ os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdc-helm-validator-missing1.json")
+ )
+ docker_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.1", "1.6.0", "1.7.0"]
+ docker_answer_invalid_tags = ["latest", "v1.0.0"]
+ docker_missing_tags = [
+ "1.4.0",
+ ]
self.counter.pull = self.counter.tag = self.counter.push = self.counter.cleanup = 0
test_proj = rdh.ProjectClass(project)
assert test_proj.org_name == "onap"
- assert test_proj.nexus_repo_name == "base/sdc-sanity"
- assert test_proj.docker_repo_name == "base-sdc-sanity"
- assert test_proj.calc_docker_project_name() == "onap/base-sdc-sanity"
+ assert test_proj.nexus_repo_name == "sdc-helm-validator"
+ assert test_proj.docker_repo_name == "sdc-helm-validator"
+ assert test_proj.calc_docker_project_name() == "onap/sdc-helm-validator"
assert len(test_proj.nexus_tags.valid) == len(nexus_answer_valid_tags)
assert len(test_proj.docker_tags.valid) == len(docker_answer_valid_tags)
assert self.counter.push == 1
assert self.counter.cleanup == 1
- def test_ProjectClass_socket_timeout(self, responses, mocker):
+ def test_ProjectClass_socket_timeout(self, responses, datafiles, mocker):
"""Test ProjectClass"""
mocker.patch("lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_pull", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_pull)
mocker.patch("lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_tag", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_tag)
"lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_cleanup", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_cleanup
- project = ["onap", "base/sdc-sanity", ""]
- nexus_url = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/base/sdc-sanity/tags/list"
- nexus_answer = '{"name":"onap/base_sdc-sanity","tags":["1.3.0","1.3.1","1.4.0","v1.0.0"]}'
- docker_url = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/onap/base-sdc-sanity/tags"
- docker_answer = """[{"layer": "", "name": "1.3.0"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.3.1"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "v1.0.0"}]
- """
- nexus_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0"]
- nexus_answer_invalid_tags = ["v1.0.0"]
- docker_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1"]
- docker_answer_invalid_tags = ["v1.0.0"]
- docker_missing_tags = ["1.4.0"]
+ project = ["onap", "sdc-helm-validator", ""]
+ nexus_url = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/sdc-helm-validator/tags/list"
+ nexus_answer = '{"name":"onap/sdc-helm-validator","tags":["v1.0.0","1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1","1.6.0", "1.7.0","latest"]}'
+ nexus_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1", "1.6.0", "1.7.0"]
+ nexus_answer_invalid_tags = ["v1.0.0", "latest"]
+ docker_url = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdc-helm-validator/tags"
+ docker_answer = data_from_file(
+ os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdc-helm-validator-missing1.json")
+ )
+ docker_answer_valid_tags = ["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.1", "1.6.0", "1.7.0"]
+ docker_answer_invalid_tags = ["latest", "v1.0.0"]
+ docker_missing_tags = [
+ "1.4.0",
+ ]
self.counter.pull = self.counter.tag = self.counter.push = self.counter.cleanup = 0
test_proj = rdh.ProjectClass(project)
assert test_proj.org_name == "onap"
- assert test_proj.nexus_repo_name == "base/sdc-sanity"
- assert test_proj.docker_repo_name == "base-sdc-sanity"
- assert test_proj.calc_docker_project_name() == "onap/base-sdc-sanity"
+ assert test_proj.nexus_repo_name == "sdc-helm-validator"
+ assert test_proj.docker_repo_name == "sdc-helm-validator"
+ assert test_proj.calc_docker_project_name() == "onap/sdc-helm-validator"
assert len(test_proj.nexus_tags.valid) == len(nexus_answer_valid_tags)
assert len(test_proj.docker_tags.valid) == len(docker_answer_valid_tags)
assert rdh.NexusCatalog[3][1] == "onap/vfc/nfvo/svnfm/nokiav2"
+ os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, "nexus"),
class TestFetchAllTagsAndUpdate:
_test_image_long_id = "sha256:3450464d68c9443dedc8bfe3272a23e6441c37f707c42d32fee0ebdbcd319d2c"
_test_image_short_id = "sha256:3450464d68"
_expected_nexus_image_str = [
- "nexus3.onap.org:10002/onap/base/sdc-sanity:1.4.0",
+ "nexus3.onap.org:10002/onap/sdc-helm-validator:1.4.0",
if self.counter.cleanup <= self.nbr_exc.cleanup:
raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError("Connection Error")
- def initiate_test_fetch(self, responses, mocker, repo=""):
+ def initiate_test_fetch(self, responses, datafiles, mocker, repo=""):
mocker.patch("lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_pull", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_pull)
mocker.patch("lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_tag", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_tag)
mocker.patch("lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_push", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_push)
"lftools.nexus.release_docker_hub.ProjectClass._docker_cleanup", side_effect=self.mocked_docker_cleanup
- url = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/_catalog"
- answer = '{"repositories":["onap/base/sdc-sanity","onap/gizmo","onap/gizmo2"]}'
- nexus_url1 = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/base/sdc-sanity/tags/list"
- nexus_answer1 = '{"name":"onap/base_sdc-sanity","tags":["1.3.0","1.3.1","1.4.0","v1.0.0"]}'
- docker_url1 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/onap/base-sdc-sanity/tags"
- docker_answer1 = """[{"layer": "", "name": "1.3.0"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "1.3.1"},
- {"layer": "", "name": "v1.0.0"}]
- """
+ catalog_url = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/_catalog"
+ catalog_answer = '{"repositories":["onap/sdc-helm-validator","onap/gizmo","onap/gizmo2"]}'
+ # Missing one tag in docker
+ nexus_url1 = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/sdc-helm-validator/tags/list"
+ nexus_answer1 = '{"name":"onap/sdc-helm-validator","tags":["v1.0.0","1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.4.0", "1.4.1","1.6.0", "1.7.0","latest"]}'
+ docker_url1 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/sdc-helm-validator/tags"
+ docker_answer1 = data_from_file(
+ os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-sdc-helm-validator-missing1.json")
+ )
+ # No missing tags
nexus_url2 = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/gizmo/tags/list"
- nexus_answer2 = '{"name":"onap/gizmo","tags":["1.3.0"]}'
- docker_url2 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/onap/gizmo/tags"
- docker_answer2 = """[{"layer": "", "name": "1.3.0"}]
- """
+ nexus_answer2 = '{"name":"onap/gizmo","tags":["1.2.0","1.2.1","1.3.0","1.3.1","1.3.2","1.4.0","1.5.2"]}'
+ docker_url2 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/gizmo/tags"
+ docker_answer2 = data_from_file(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-gizmo.json"))
+ # Missing two tags in docker
nexus_url3 = "https://nexus3.onap.org:10002/v2/onap/gizmo2/tags/list"
- nexus_answer3 = '{"name":"onap/gizmo2","tags":["1.3.0", "1.3.1", "1.3.2"]}'
- docker_url3 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/onap/gizmo2/tags"
- docker_answer3 = """[{"layer": "", "name": "1.3.0"}]
- """
- responses.add(responses.GET, url, body=answer, status=200)
+ nexus_answer3 = '{"name":"onap/gizmo2","tags":["1.2.1","1.3.1","1.3.2"]}'
+ docker_url3 = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/onap/repositories/gizmo2/tags"
+ docker_answer3 = data_from_file(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "releasedockerhub_dockertags-gizmo2.json"))
+ responses.add(responses.GET, catalog_url, body=catalog_answer, status=200)
rdh.NexusCatalog = []
rdh.projects = []
rdh.projects = []
self.counter.pull = self.counter.tag = self.counter.push = self.counter.cleanup = 0
- def test_fetch_all_tags(self, responses, mocker):
- self.initiate_test_fetch(responses, mocker)
+ def test_fetch_all_tags(self, responses, datafiles, mocker):
+ self.initiate_test_fetch(responses, datafiles, mocker)
assert len(rdh.NexusCatalog) == 3
assert len(rdh.projects) == 3
- assert len(rdh.projects[0].tags_2_copy.valid) == 1
- assert len(rdh.projects[1].tags_2_copy.valid) == 0
- assert len(rdh.projects[2].tags_2_copy.valid) == 2
+ assert len(rdh.projects[0].tags_2_copy.valid) == 0
+ assert len(rdh.projects[1].tags_2_copy.valid) == 2
+ assert len(rdh.projects[2].tags_2_copy.valid) == 1
- assert rdh.projects[0].tags_2_copy.valid[0] == "1.4.0"
- assert rdh.projects[2].tags_2_copy.valid[0] == "1.3.1"
- assert rdh.projects[2].tags_2_copy.valid[1] == "1.3.2"
+ assert rdh.projects[1].tags_2_copy.valid[0] == "1.3.1"
+ assert rdh.projects[1].tags_2_copy.valid[1] == "1.3.2"
+ assert rdh.projects[2].tags_2_copy.valid[0] == "1.4.0"
def test_fetch_from_bogus_orgs(self, responses, mocker):
self.initiate_bogus_org_test_fetch(responses, "bogus_org321")
assert len(rdh.NexusCatalog) == 0
assert len(rdh.projects) == 0
- def test_copy(self, responses, mocker):
- self.initiate_test_fetch(responses, mocker)
+ def test_copy(self, responses, datafiles, mocker):
+ self.initiate_test_fetch(responses, datafiles, mocker)
assert self.counter.push == 3
assert self.counter.cleanup == 3
- def test_start_no_copy(self, responses, mocker):
- self.initiate_test_fetch(responses, mocker)
+ def test_start_no_copy(self, responses, datafiles, mocker):
+ self.initiate_test_fetch(responses, datafiles, mocker)
rdh.start_point("onap", "", False, False)
assert self.counter.pull == 0
assert self.counter.tag == 0
assert self.counter.push == 0
assert self.counter.cleanup == 0
- def test_start_copy(self, responses, mocker):
- self.initiate_test_fetch(responses, mocker)
+ def test_start_copy(self, responses, datafiles, mocker):
+ self.initiate_test_fetch(responses, datafiles, mocker)
rdh.start_point("onap", "", False, False, False, True)
assert len(rdh.NexusCatalog) == 3
assert len(rdh.projects) == 3
- assert len(rdh.projects[0].tags_2_copy.valid) == 1
- assert len(rdh.projects[1].tags_2_copy.valid) == 0
- assert len(rdh.projects[2].tags_2_copy.valid) == 2
- assert rdh.projects[0].tags_2_copy.valid[0] == "1.4.0"
- assert rdh.projects[2].tags_2_copy.valid[0] == "1.3.1"
- assert rdh.projects[2].tags_2_copy.valid[1] == "1.3.2"
+ assert len(rdh.projects[0].tags_2_copy.valid) == 0
+ assert len(rdh.projects[1].tags_2_copy.valid) == 2
+ assert len(rdh.projects[2].tags_2_copy.valid) == 1
+ assert rdh.projects[1].tags_2_copy.valid[0] == "1.3.1"
+ assert rdh.projects[1].tags_2_copy.valid[1] == "1.3.2"
+ assert rdh.projects[2].tags_2_copy.valid[0] == "1.4.0"
assert self.counter.pull == 3
assert self.counter.tag == 3
assert self.counter.push == 3
assert self.counter.cleanup == 3
- def test_start_copy_repo(self, responses, mocker):
- self.initiate_test_fetch(responses, mocker, "sanity")
- rdh.start_point("onap", "sanity", False, False, False, True)
+ def test_start_copy_repo(self, responses, datafiles, mocker):
+ self.initiate_test_fetch(responses, datafiles, mocker, "sanity")
+ rdh.start_point("onap", "validator", False, False, False, True)
assert len(rdh.NexusCatalog) == 1
assert len(rdh.projects) == 1
assert len(rdh.projects[0].tags_2_copy.valid) == 1
assert len(rdh.NexusCatalog) == 0
assert len(rdh.projects) == 0
+def test_calculate_docker_project_name():
+ project = ["onap", "this/is/a-test_project", ""]
+ rdh.initialize("onap")
+ test_proj = rdh.ProjectClass(project)
+ assert test_proj.org_name == "onap"
+ assert test_proj.nexus_repo_name == "this/is/a-test_project"
+ assert test_proj.docker_repo_name == "this-is-a-test_project"
+ assert test_proj.calc_docker_project_name() == "onap/this-is-a-test_project"