--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# @License EPL-1.0 <http://spdx.org/licenses/EPL-1.0>
+# Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 The Linux Foundation and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+# TODO: The script should fix all the rules in http://yamllint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/rules.html
+# function loop_log_file takes care of the most common problems so far
+function start_script {
+ while getopts 'af:h' opt "$@"; do
+ case $opt in
+ 'a')
+ option=1
+ ;;
+ 'f')
+ option=2
+ ;;
+ 'h')
+ option=3
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [[ -z "$option" || "$option" -eq 3 ]]; then
+ echo Usage:
+ echo "./fix_yamlint -a (to run for all files)"
+ echo "./fix_yamllint -f "file1 file2 file3" (to fix for only the provided files)"
+ exit
+ elif [ $option -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "Running yamllint for all yaml files ..."
+ ALL_FILES=`find . \( -name '*.yaml' -o -name '*.yml' \)`
+ for FILE in $ALL_FILES; do
+ process_file "$FILE"
+ done
+ exit 0
+ elif [ $option -eq 2 ]; then
+ # TODO: Allow the script take non full paths of files
+ for FILE in $FILES; do
+ process_file "$FILE"
+ done
+ exit 0
+ fi
+function loop_log_file {
+ # loop through the file
+ # TODO below line fixes all lines that contain a project-name definition
+ # sed -i '/{project-name}/s/ */ /' $FILE
+ # Need to add this case to the loop
+ while read line; do
+ LINE_NUMBER=$( echo "$line" | cut -d ":" -f2 | cut -d ":" -f1 )
+ if [[ $line == *error* ]] && [[ $line == *"wrong indentation"* ]]; then
+ EXPECTED=$( echo "$line" | sed -e 's#.*expected \(\)#\1#' | sed 's/\s.*$//' )
+ # FOUND=$( echo "$line" | sed -e 's#.*found \(\)#\1#' | sed 's/\s.*$//' )
+ # Remove all blanks from the beginning of the line
+ sed -i "${LINE_NUMBER}s/^ *//g" "$FILE"
+ # Making a loop to add "EXPECTED" spaces in the beginning of the line
+ # this is just temporary meanwhile i figure something smarter
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+ for space in $(seq 1 "$EXPECTED"); do
+ sed -i "${LINE_NUMBER}s/^/ /g" "$FILE"
+ done
+ elif [[ $line == *line-length* ]]; then
+ # TODO Handle/fix the line-lenght problem, if there is anything we can do manually
+ echo "==========LINE TOO LONG, FIX MANUALLY=========="
+ echo "$line"
+ echo "==============================================="
+ elif [[ $line == *new-line-at-end-of-file* ]]; then
+ # TODO handle this case on a proper manner. Reopening the file corrects it for now
+ ed "$FILE"
+ w
+ q
+ elif [[ $line == *"too many spaces"* ]] && [[ $line == *braces* ]]; then
+ sed -i "${LINE_NUMBER}s/ *{ */{/g" "$FILE"
+ sed -i "${LINE_NUMBER}s/ *} */}/g" "$FILE"
+ fi
+ # Remove the line with the error from the output log file
+ sed -i '1d' /tmp/temp_lint.txt
+ # Cat the log file (can be muted, I liked seeing it for debugging purposes)
+ echo the log file looks like this now...
+ cat /tmp/temp_lint.txt
+ done </tmp/temp_lint.txt
+function process_file {
+ # Making sure the file is a yaml file
+ if [[ "$1" == *.yaml ]] || [[ "$1" == *.yml ]]; then
+ echo "Processing $1"
+ check_beginning_yaml
+ run_yamllint "$1"
+ loop_log_file
+ else
+ echo "Skipping $1, it is not a yaml file"
+ fi
+function check_beginning_yaml {
+ # Missing the beginning of the file is a common mistake
+ # Adding it now before running yamllint so that the line numbers
+ # in the output file are accurate for processing other errors
+ read -r firstline < "$FILE"
+ if [[ $firstline != "---" ]]; then
+ sed -i "1s/^/---\n/g" "$FILE"
+ fi
+function run_yamllint {
+ # Run yamllint and extract output into a temp file
+ yamllint -f parsable "$1" | tee /tmp/temp_lint.txt
+########## BEGINNING OF THE SCRIPT ##########
+# Only run the script if it is being called directly and not sourced.
+if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then
+ start_script "$@"