--- /dev/null
+ - |
+ Add step to verify Nexus staging repository is closed correctly or
+ fail the staging job, if the repository is still open. This allows
+ projects to address the validation failures earlier during maven-stage
+ phase, instead of waiting to catch them while running the self-release job.
lftools deploy nexus-stage "$NEXUS_URL" "$STAGING_PROFILE_ID" "$WORKSPACE/m2repo" | tee "$TMP_FILE"
staging_repo=$(sed -n -e 's/Staging repository \(.*\) created\./\1/p' "$TMP_FILE")
+echo "INFO: Verify Nexus staging repository is closed"
+lftools nexus release -v --server "$NEXUS_URL" "$staging_repo"
# Store repo info to a file in archives
mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/archives"
echo "$staging_repo ${NEXUS_URL}/content/repositories/$staging_repo" | tee -a "$WORKSPACE/archives/staging-repo.txt"