match-ldap-to-info matches ldap group to INFO file
I have abandoned the idea of using a diff on the INFO file as a driver
for making changes to ldap. It was messy for new info files, as there
was no previous diff. which meant if a user was removed,
we had no way of knowing. Now the script is idempotent.
Whatever is in the INFO.yaml will be reflected in the LDAP file.
example: you give it an info file and a group and it will
make the nessesary changes:
lftools lfidapi add-remove-committers path/to/INFO.yaml ldap-group
added --noop flag so you can see what would be changed
Change-Id: Ie1546f3e80e826742612b9f32f91dc6ce3360d0c
Signed-off-by: Aric Gardner <>