[tox] envlist = docs, docs-linkcheck, license, pre-commit, py38 py39 minversion = 3.8 skip_missing_interpreters = true ignore_basepython_conflict = true [pytest] markers = datafiles addopts = -p no:warnings [testenv] basepython = python3 deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt commands = pytest usedevelop = true [testenv:{build,clean}] description = build: Build the package in isolation according to PEP517, see https://github.com/pypa/build clean: Remove old distribution files and temporary build artifacts (./build and ./dist) # https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/stable/build_meta.html#how-to-use-it skip_install = True changedir = {toxinidir} deps = build: build[virtualenv] passenv = SETUPTOOLS_* commands = clean: python -c 'import shutil; [shutil.rmtree(p, True) for p in ("build", "dist", "docs/_build")]' clean: python -c 'import pathlib, shutil; [shutil.rmtree(p, True) for p in pathlib.Path("src").glob("*.egg-info")]' build: python -m build {posargs} # By default, both `sdist` and `wheel` are built. If your sdist is too big or you don't want # to make it available, consider running: `tox -e build -- --wheel` [testenv:docs] description = Build the documentation with sphinx basepython = python3 deps = -rrequirements-docs.txt extras = openstack commands = sphinx-build -W -b html -n -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/html [testenv:docs-linkcheck] description = Check the documentation links with sphinx basepython = python3 deps = -rrequirements-docs.txt extras = openstack commands = sphinx-build -W -b linkcheck -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/linkcheck [testenv:latest-upstream] description = Latest upstream test. Used for what exactly? basepython = python3 deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt commands = pip install -U python-jenkins requests pytest [testenv:license] description = Check all files for license header basepython = python3 deps = lftools commands = lftools license check-dir lftools lftools license check-dir -r '.+' shell [testenv:pre-commit] description = Precommit checks for black, gitlint, etc. basepython = python3.7 allowlist_externals = /bin/sh deps = pre-commit passenv = HOME commands = pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure /bin/sh -c 'if ! git config --get user.name > /dev/null; then \ git config --global --add user.name "CI"; \ touch .git/REMOVE_USERNAME; fi' /bin/sh -c 'if ! git config --get user.email > /dev/null; then \ git config --global --add user.email "ci@example.org"; \ touch .git/REMOVE_USEREMAIL; fi' /bin/sh -c "if [ -f .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG ]; then \ cp .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG .git/COMMIT_MSGTOX; else \ git log HEAD -n1 --pretty=%B > .git/COMMIT_MSGTOX; fi" pre-commit run gitlint --hook-stage commit-msg --commit-msg-filename .git/COMMIT_MSGTOX /bin/sh -c "rm -f .git/COMMIT_MSGTOX" /bin/sh -c "if [ -f .git/REMOVE_USERNAME ]; then \ git config --global --unset user.name; \ rm -f .git/REMOVE_USERNAME; fi" /bin/sh -c "if [ -f .git/REMOVE_USEREMAIL ]; then \ git config --global --unset user.email; \ rm -f .git/REMOVE_USEREMAIL; fi" [testenv:publish] description = Publish the package you have been developing to a package index server. By default, it uses testpypi. If you really want to publish your package to be publicly accessible in PyPI, use the `-- --repository pypi` option. skip_install = True changedir = {toxinidir} passenv = # See: https://twine.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ TWINE_USERNAME TWINE_PASSWORD TWINE_REPOSITORY TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL deps = twine commands = python -m twine check dist/* python -m twine upload {posargs:--repository {env:TWINE_REPOSITORY:testpypi}} dist/* [testenv:reno] description = OpenStack Reno checks basepython = python3 deps = reno commands = reno {posargs:--help}