--- features: - | New macro ``lf-sigul-sign-dir`` available to sign artifacts in a provided directory using Sigul. Usage: .. code-block:: yaml - lf-sigul-sign-dir: sign-dir: '$WORKSPACE/m2repo' This macro also requires a boolean variable to ``SIGN_ARTIFACTS`` to be set to true to activate the macro. We recommend the job-template that uses this macro to define it in the job parameters section. Example: .. code-block:: yaml - bool: name: SIGN_ARTIFACTS default: '{sign-artifacts}' description: Use Sigul to sign artifacts. - | Add Sigul signing support to the maven-staging job. To activate Sigul signing make sure to set ``sign-artifacts: true``. Example: .. code-block:: yaml - project: name: abc jobs: - gerrit-maven-stage sign-artifacts: true