The TAC acknowledges and accepts the Board's request for a May 4 completion date on technical governance. Unfortunately, such an ambitious date is incompatible with drafting the quality governance we are certain the Board is requesting for the new umbrella-of-umbrella’s situation we find ourselves in. In an attempt to meet the Board's request, drafting has been proceeding in earnest, resulting thus far in documenting of a first draft statement of principles to guide us [0], a first draft general framework to set the stage [1], and an incomplete project lifecycle [2]. None of these has achieved full consensus nor is complete at this time. Neither have these three efforts been harmonized into a coherent whole. Once we have a fairly presentable set of proposals, we need to bring them to the LFN communities to solicit additional feedback and build community buy-in. We are making good progress, but have much yet to do. See the TODOs inline for details about what still needs to be done. Had we anticipated that the Board would augment our previous recommendation by attaching a deadline, we would have provided the baselining from other communities we provide here. OpenDaylight's drafting of technical governance took nine weeks, including an intensive F2F meeting.'s took 5 weeks including a F2F meeting. ONAP's took 5 weeks including a F2F meeting. Both ONAP and benefited from being able to start from the OpenDaylight governance, as their structures were similar. LFN's structure is new and novel and so we expect it to be an effort closer to that of the OpenDaylight drafting, but without the benefit of a F2F. As such we request the Board extend its deadline to be July 11th for the drafting of quality technical governance for LFN. [0]: [1]: [2]: