.. _lf-global-jjb-views: ############# Jenkins Views ############# View Templates ============== JJB view-templates provides a way to manage Jenkins views through code. Common view ----------- Common view groups jobs related to a project and supports the following columns. :Columns: - status - weather - job - last-success - last-failure - last-duration - build-button - jacoco - find-bugs - robot-list :Template Names: - common-view - {project-name} :Required parameters: :project-name: The name of the view. :view-description: View description. (Generally set to 'List of {project-name} jobs' in defaults.yaml) :view-filter-executors: View filter executor. (Generally set to 'false' in defaults.yaml) :view-filter-queue: View filter queue. (Generally set to 'false' in defaults.yaml) :view-regex: Regex to match the jobs. (Generally set to '^{project-name}-.*' in defaults.yaml) :view-recurse: View recurse. (Generally set to 'false' in defaults.yaml) Integration CSIT view --------------------- Integration CSIT view provides a view for integration or CSIT jobs. The view supports the following set of columns. :Columns: - status - weather - job - last-success - last-failure - last-duration - build-button - robot-list :Template Names: - integration-csit-view - {project-name} :Required parameters: :project-name: The name of the view. :view-description: View description. (Generally set to 'List of {project-name} jobs' in defaults.yaml) :view-filter-executors: View filter executor. (Generally set to 'false' in defaults.yaml) :view-filter-queue: View filter queue. (Generally set to 'false' in defaults.yaml) :view-regex: Regex to match the jobs. (Generally set to '^{project-name}-.*' in defaults.yaml) :view-recurse: View recurse. (Generally set to 'false' in defaults.yaml)