############# Configuration ############# .. _defaults-yaml: defaults.yaml ============= This file lives in the ci-management repo typically under the path ``jjb/defaults.yaml``. The purpose of this file is to store default variable values used by global-jjb templates. **Required** :jenkins-ssh-credential: The name of the Jenkins Credential to use for ssh connections. (ex: jenkins-ssh) :lftools-version: Version of lftools to install. Can be a specific version like '0.6.1' or a `PEP-440 definition `_ For example `<1.0.0` or `>=1.0.0,<2.0.0`. :mvn-site-id: Maven Server ID from settings.xml containing the credentials to push to a Maven site repository. :mvn-staging-id: Maven Server ID from settings.xml containing the credentials to push to a Maven staging repository. **Gerrit required parameters**: :gerrit-server-name: The name of the Gerrit Server as defined in Gerrit Trigger global configuration. (ex: Primary) **GitHub required parameters**: :git-url: Set this to the base URL of your GitHub repo. In general this should be https://github.com. If you are using GitHub Enterprise, or some other GitHub-style system, then it should be whatever your installation base URL is. This sets a job property that GitHub Pull Request Builder requires to work. Note that this is the web url to your project: (eg. https://github.com/$ORG/$PROJECT) :git-clone-url: This is the clone prefix used by GitHub jobs. Set this to either the same base url as **git-url**, or to 'git@github.com:' including the trailing ':'. Determined by your clone method (https or git). :github-org: The name of the GitHub organization interpolated into the scm config. :github_pr_org: The name of the GitHub organization. All members of this organization will be able to trigger jobs. :github_pr_whitelist: List of GitHub members you wish to be able to trigger jobs. :github_pr_admin_list: List of GitHub members that will have admin privileges on the jobs. Example Gerrit Infra: .. code-block:: yaml - defaults: name: global # lf-infra defaults jenkins-ssh-credential: jenkins-ssh gerrit-server-name: OpenDaylight lftools-version: '<1.0.0' mvn-site-id: opendaylight-site mvn-staging-id: opendaylight-staging Example GitHub Infra: .. code-block:: yaml - defaults: name: global # lf-infra defaults jenkins-ssh-credential: jenkins-ssh github-org: lfit github_pr_whitelist: - jpwku - tykeal - zxiiro github_pr_admin_list: - tykeal lftools-version: '<1.0.0' mvn-site-id: opendaylight-site mvn-staging-id: opendaylight-staging .. _jenkins-files: Jenkins Files ============= global-jjb makes use of the Jenkins Config File Provider plugin to provide some default configurations for certain tools. This section details the files to define in Jenkins' **Manage Files** configuration. .. _npmrc: npmrc ----- This file contains default npmrc configuration and lives in $HOME/.npmrc. Documentation for npmrc is available via the `npm project `_. :Required: This file MUST exist. An empty file is acceptable if a proxy is not available for the project. :type: Custom file Create a "Custom file" with contents: .. code-block:: ini registry = https://nexus.opendaylight.org/content/repositories/npmjs/ .. _pipconf: pipconf ------- This file contains default configuration for the python-pip tool and lives in $HOME/.config/pip/pip.conf. Documentation for pip.conf is available via the `pip project `_. :Required: This file MUST exist. An empty file is acceptable if a proxy is not available for the project. :type: Custom file Create a "Custom file" with contents: .. code-block:: ini [global] timeout = 60 index-url = https://nexus3.opendaylight.org/repository/PyPi/simple .. _jjbini: jjbini ------ This file contains the Jenkins Job Builder `configuration `_ for :doc:`jjb/lf-ci-jobs`. :Required: This file MUST exist. :type: Custom file Create a "Custom file" with contents: .. code-block:: ini [job_builder] ignore_cache=True keep_descriptions=False include_path=.:scripts:~/git/ recursive=True [jenkins] user=jenkins-jobbuilder password=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef url=https://jenkins.example.org query_plugins_info=False [production] user=jenkins-jobbuilder password=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef url=https://jenkins.example.org query_plugins_info=False [sandbox] user=jenkins-jobbuilder password=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef url=https://jenkins.example.org/sandbox query_plugins_info=False The last 2 sections are for the ``jenkins-cfg`` job use, they should match the ``silo`` names for the respective Jenkins systems, typically ``production`` and ``sandbox``. .. _jenkins-log-archives-settings: jenkins-log-archives-settings ----------------------------- See :ref:`lf-infra-ship-logs` for usage. If not archiving logs then keep this file with default settings, global-jjb needs the file to exist to function. Requires a *credential* named 'logs' of type 'Username and Password' created in the Jenkins Credentials system. #. Add Server Credentials #. Set ``ServerId`` to ``logs`` #. Set ``Credentials`` to the ``logs`` user created in the Credentials System :Required: This file MUST exist if using log archiving. :type: Maven settings.xml .. code-block:: xml .. note:: This example is the default boilerplate generated by Jenkins with the comments stripped out. We can also use the default generated by Jenkins without modifying it. .. _packer-cloud-env: packer-cloud-env ---------------- Cloud environment configuration variables for Packer jobs. These can contain credentials and configuration for whichever clouds packer jobs are using. :Required: This file MUST exist to use packer jobs. :type: Json file .. code-block:: json { "cloud_auth_url": "https://auth.vexxhost.net/v3/", "cloud_tenant": "TENANT_ID", "cloud_user": "CLOUD_USERNAME", "cloud_pass": "CLOUD_PASSWORD", "cloud_network": "CLOUD_NETWORK", "ssh_proxy_host": "" } .. _jenkins-ci-jobs: Jenkins CI Jobs =============== .. _jenkins-cfg-merge: jenkins-cfg-merge ----------------- This job manages Jenkins Global configuration. Refer to the :ref:`CI Documentation ` for job configuration details. .. _log-archiving: Log Archiving ============= The logs account requires a Maven Settings file created called **jenkins-log-archives-settings** with a server ID of **logs** containing the credentials for the logs user in Nexus.